31 reviews
Where is love or slightest genuine attraction in most of the episodes? brutal non-sense coming from Patti. She sells her show that's it, that's all she cares about. Ratings go down - she fires people and become more obnoxious. She has nothing to offer. Women found on the street basically.
What really, really bothers me the most is she is a 52 and looks like 30, but acts like 12 immature girl. That's how a retarded mental patient acts, in my opinion. It's a very bad combination. She is impossible to talk to. It's either her way or no way. She has no discipline or logic in her mind. I would never trust a woman like that to find me anybody.
These guys are millionaires, doesn't it count for anything? You try to become one. My advise to all of them - find it yourself. Go after what you want. If you are 56, you want 24 - go after it. Find out yourself. The world is huge.
This woman is a total scam, she is mostly wrong about everything. She knows she will not close a deal, and she berates the guy.
People that work for her are expandable losers. Basically in her world everybody is a loser, except for her.
Pathetic excuse of a dating advice. Don't take dating advice from anybody! Do it yourself. If you want to learn about fish - watch how fish swims yourself!
What really, really bothers me the most is she is a 52 and looks like 30, but acts like 12 immature girl. That's how a retarded mental patient acts, in my opinion. It's a very bad combination. She is impossible to talk to. It's either her way or no way. She has no discipline or logic in her mind. I would never trust a woman like that to find me anybody.
These guys are millionaires, doesn't it count for anything? You try to become one. My advise to all of them - find it yourself. Go after what you want. If you are 56, you want 24 - go after it. Find out yourself. The world is huge.
This woman is a total scam, she is mostly wrong about everything. She knows she will not close a deal, and she berates the guy.
People that work for her are expandable losers. Basically in her world everybody is a loser, except for her.
Pathetic excuse of a dating advice. Don't take dating advice from anybody! Do it yourself. If you want to learn about fish - watch how fish swims yourself!
Patti I am wondering after seeing your show today, containing Dave the Sex Toy Guy, if you are aware that he also appeared in today's premier of Megan wants a Millionaire? Is this the type of people you cater to, or if you just took him as a client--unsuspecting that he is nothing but a advertising ploy seeker, looking for free publicity? He is just trying to get his name out there! He is not the type of person that expected you to really find him a mate! I feel like he used you and you honestly thought he was there for real this time. I think VERY poorly of him. I will not watch any more episodes of either show that he appears on. Of course, if he is not in an episode, I will watch your show every time it is on.
Best wishes Patti--I think you do a terrific job for those that are serious! You really seem to take your work to heart and love your job. Keep up the terrific work and I'll keep watching! It took me 35 years before I found my soul mate and they are out there for all of us--once we drop our defenses and allow it in our lives. Also I thought the brunette Millionairess was right on by everyone of your comments!! LOVED IT ALL EXCEPT DAVE THE SEX TOY GUY Sarah
Best wishes Patti--I think you do a terrific job for those that are serious! You really seem to take your work to heart and love your job. Keep up the terrific work and I'll keep watching! It took me 35 years before I found my soul mate and they are out there for all of us--once we drop our defenses and allow it in our lives. Also I thought the brunette Millionairess was right on by everyone of your comments!! LOVED IT ALL EXCEPT DAVE THE SEX TOY GUY Sarah
- scbowen101
- Aug 1, 2009
- Permalink
This show demonstrates what is wrong with trends in television today. Take away talent, tasteful writing, acting skills, and replace them with trash, and you have this show. The "star" of the show seeks to match millionaires with mates. One of her rules : Millionaires should flash their wealth. This show has no redeeming value. It is not even good to watch for any amusement.
On one episode, the matchmaker visited the home of one of her client millionaires. Although the home was decent and clean, she didn't think it displayed his wealth enough. She talked about the home as if it were a piece of trash, topping it off with something like, "I think I smell a vagrant passing by."
On one episode, the matchmaker visited the home of one of her client millionaires. Although the home was decent and clean, she didn't think it displayed his wealth enough. She talked about the home as if it were a piece of trash, topping it off with something like, "I think I smell a vagrant passing by."
Premise: People who have nothing else to spend their money on pay a botoxed orange bullhorn on legs to secure them human flesh.
Lady pimp Patti and her oddball Disney villain looking sidekicks shriek, belittle and harangue their way through potential clients as much as livestock for the bemusement and horror of daytime TV viewers. Those brave enough to step into the Thunderdome must abide by the rules or face summary verbal rape.
About as ugly an hour of TV as you will ever come across, destined to either become an Internet meme or more likely...be included in the next Grand Theft Auto game to replace America's Next Top Hooker.
Terrifyingly grotesque television which concisely sums up everything that is wrong with the world in one neat package. Watching this will take away a little bit of your humanity, you have been warned.
Lady pimp Patti and her oddball Disney villain looking sidekicks shriek, belittle and harangue their way through potential clients as much as livestock for the bemusement and horror of daytime TV viewers. Those brave enough to step into the Thunderdome must abide by the rules or face summary verbal rape.
About as ugly an hour of TV as you will ever come across, destined to either become an Internet meme or more likely...be included in the next Grand Theft Auto game to replace America's Next Top Hooker.
Terrifyingly grotesque television which concisely sums up everything that is wrong with the world in one neat package. Watching this will take away a little bit of your humanity, you have been warned.
- sandiglendinning
- Jul 30, 2013
- Permalink
What a load of sexist tripe! Apparently, men are nothing more than walking wallets, and women are nothing more than brainless gold-diggers. Why should women have to work at all, the thinking goes, if they can just find a gullible sugar-daddy instead? And why should a well-to-do woman ever have to settle for a man who isn't richer than she? After all, the sole measure of a man's worth is his bank account, not his character. Gender equality is so overrated, or so we're supposed to think. Piffle!
If you're looking for something more wholesome, do yourself a favor and rent a hardcore porno flick instead of watching this show. One's I.Q. is bound to decrease ten percent just by sitting through five minutes of this garbage. If I could, I'd give this show a thousand negative stars.
If you're looking for something more wholesome, do yourself a favor and rent a hardcore porno flick instead of watching this show. One's I.Q. is bound to decrease ten percent just by sitting through five minutes of this garbage. If I could, I'd give this show a thousand negative stars.
- brendanrau
- Jul 3, 2009
- Permalink
I never believed that anyone could come up with a TV show that I would despise. Reality programming has accomplished what I thought impossible. The Millionaire Matchmaker is (apparently) paid big bucks for her expertise in matching up clients. Does she use some kind of personality assessment, measure of compatibility, or even consider informally the background, education, or goals of the client and potential mate? Nope...it's all about hotness. This is bad enough but for the Matchmaker of this series to give some sort of lip service to the notions of long term relationships, marriage, and stability when the true goal is obviously nothing more than brief liaisons between the rich and the beautiful plumbs the depths of hypocrisy in a way that few other reality series have. I realize that reality TV is an oxymoron but the world being reflected by this program, be it real or not, is a completely repugnant one.
There are great ideas that get shut down on a daily basis in Hollywood. Then...Bravo and other channels give the green light to shows like this one. The Millionaire's Club is the exclusive matchmaking service where ONLY financially successful men meet exceptionally beautiful and intelligent women. Patti Stanger personifies the evil within parts of the fortunate 1% of our society. A dark place...where empathy and sympathy do not exist. People are suffering out there...the unemployment numbers are scary. People who worked hard their entire lives are screwed. This show just rubs it in their faces and it is sickening. Patti is mean spirited, snotty, self absorbed, arrogant and superficial. In these times...airing this show is just plain obnoxious. All this arrogance with matchmaker success rate of lower than 20%. The rest of us would get laid off, fired, let go. Bravo renews her show 4 times.
Patti honestly said Courtney Cox should see her marriage "as a business deal." Talk about clueless...almost to the level of a sociopath.
I have seen her make a jerk out of herself on several nationally syndicated TV talk shows (who were dumb enough to ask her on), and they never asked her back. Five seasons of this show? Really? The producers giving this show the nod for the first time should be charged with aggravated stupidity. She probably turned on the charm and laughs about what suckers Bravo's executive producers are on a daily basis...because that is how she is. Period. Do not watch this show unless you want to throw your television set out the window. Saying yes to this show clearly demonstrates why Bravo is a ratings failure. Joel McHale from 'The Soup' exposed her lousy attitude a few times. Once he even pointed at Patti Stanger's face on the screen and simply replied..."YOU ARE HORRIBLE". I agree with Joel. OMG...she is really good at humiliating people. OMG...what a talent. Bravo, Bravo.
Patti honestly said Courtney Cox should see her marriage "as a business deal." Talk about clueless...almost to the level of a sociopath.
I have seen her make a jerk out of herself on several nationally syndicated TV talk shows (who were dumb enough to ask her on), and they never asked her back. Five seasons of this show? Really? The producers giving this show the nod for the first time should be charged with aggravated stupidity. She probably turned on the charm and laughs about what suckers Bravo's executive producers are on a daily basis...because that is how she is. Period. Do not watch this show unless you want to throw your television set out the window. Saying yes to this show clearly demonstrates why Bravo is a ratings failure. Joel McHale from 'The Soup' exposed her lousy attitude a few times. Once he even pointed at Patti Stanger's face on the screen and simply replied..."YOU ARE HORRIBLE". I agree with Joel. OMG...she is really good at humiliating people. OMG...what a talent. Bravo, Bravo.
I am outraged. Not by this show but by the sheer number of closed minded people who just don't get it.
"This show portrays woman as gold-diggers" No! This show portrays SOME women as gold diggers. ...SOME...! Which is absolutely true. Some women, yes... some women, that is to say, a minority are so cash poor that it actually starts to make sense that they could, by meeting a man with more means than sense, infinitely improve on their situation. And besides, people should realise that a woman who is very pretty, single and waitressing can either continue waitressing or... take a chance on meeting a millionaire - AND NOT all of the aforesaid are awful, fat old men either.
"...This show just milks the stereotype of a rich old man seeking a young beautiful woman for a lifelong bed partner" Firstly not everyone on this show is a poor woman seeking a rich man. Many of the female seekers are not waitresses or students but engaged in worthwhile occupations! Some are also poor gay men seeking a rich gay man too! And some are rich women seeking a rich (there's that word again!) good looking male! However the majority of people would prefer to believe that it is either immoral or particularly "stupid" to be poor and deliberately seek a richer partner in this appallingly awful economy. Of course, none of whom take the time to explain exactly why it is a sign of stupidity to be a poor beautiful woman who would prefer to better her life. But perhaps that says far more about the reviewer...
Sigh, it's very obvious that those who rated the whole series of shows at one star barely watched a whole episode - let alone the whole series before reviewing! Please try watching more than one episode before reviewing the whole series on it! So, having watched three series of this show I can tell you angry one shot, one star reviewers that: it's not just about cash poor bimbos hoping to solve their life problems with male millionaires. In some episodes (that you didn't bother to view) it's a rich, single older woman, cougar who is seeking a young playboy. Why then are there so many scathing reviews here? Well, it's not because the show is poorly produced, or uninteresting. Fact is: Most people just can't handle the truth that for a minority of beautiful, but cash poor people (regardless of their assumed intellect, or lack thereof)there is a potential easy way out - meet and marry a person with means, and bye bye money problems! That that solution is only open to a very few people makes it an unpopular one and, by definition, an unpopular show.
Meanwhile, the very real reason that Millionaire Matchmaker is rated so lowly is this: People want to believe that the only MORAL way to success is to slave away for years on end and hopefully be one day promoted. They hate to think that for a very few - there is a short cut to success which is not available to them. And this show is based on that indigestible reality which pains so many people who have taken out their anger at the unfairness of such near instant, luck blessed success - by repeatedly rating this show at a just as unfairly low one out of ten. In other words, sure - life sucks for most of us, but at least this reviewer very much enjoyed watching many episodes of this most interesting show, simply by - keeping my mind open.
The fact that this show rubs instant success in the faces of so many who are unqualified for the fantasy within - because most male AND!! female millionaires on the show really are seeking an unusually attractive partner with which to settle down. Also if people bothered watching more than one episode they might find it interesting that quite a few of the so called millionaires are more dumb than the women they are seeking to date, which is very amusing to watch. Anyway, please blame nature for the unfairness of the reality within this show. Thankfully it's also the nature of a few which makes this show so interesting.
Take the show with a pinch of salt and you should enjoy it far more than the majority of closed minded, 'morally superior' folk. BUT please don't blame this show - at least without giving the reason for your blame some cold+hard+truth analysis!
"This show portrays woman as gold-diggers" No! This show portrays SOME women as gold diggers. ...SOME...! Which is absolutely true. Some women, yes... some women, that is to say, a minority are so cash poor that it actually starts to make sense that they could, by meeting a man with more means than sense, infinitely improve on their situation. And besides, people should realise that a woman who is very pretty, single and waitressing can either continue waitressing or... take a chance on meeting a millionaire - AND NOT all of the aforesaid are awful, fat old men either.
"...This show just milks the stereotype of a rich old man seeking a young beautiful woman for a lifelong bed partner" Firstly not everyone on this show is a poor woman seeking a rich man. Many of the female seekers are not waitresses or students but engaged in worthwhile occupations! Some are also poor gay men seeking a rich gay man too! And some are rich women seeking a rich (there's that word again!) good looking male! However the majority of people would prefer to believe that it is either immoral or particularly "stupid" to be poor and deliberately seek a richer partner in this appallingly awful economy. Of course, none of whom take the time to explain exactly why it is a sign of stupidity to be a poor beautiful woman who would prefer to better her life. But perhaps that says far more about the reviewer...
Sigh, it's very obvious that those who rated the whole series of shows at one star barely watched a whole episode - let alone the whole series before reviewing! Please try watching more than one episode before reviewing the whole series on it! So, having watched three series of this show I can tell you angry one shot, one star reviewers that: it's not just about cash poor bimbos hoping to solve their life problems with male millionaires. In some episodes (that you didn't bother to view) it's a rich, single older woman, cougar who is seeking a young playboy. Why then are there so many scathing reviews here? Well, it's not because the show is poorly produced, or uninteresting. Fact is: Most people just can't handle the truth that for a minority of beautiful, but cash poor people (regardless of their assumed intellect, or lack thereof)there is a potential easy way out - meet and marry a person with means, and bye bye money problems! That that solution is only open to a very few people makes it an unpopular one and, by definition, an unpopular show.
Meanwhile, the very real reason that Millionaire Matchmaker is rated so lowly is this: People want to believe that the only MORAL way to success is to slave away for years on end and hopefully be one day promoted. They hate to think that for a very few - there is a short cut to success which is not available to them. And this show is based on that indigestible reality which pains so many people who have taken out their anger at the unfairness of such near instant, luck blessed success - by repeatedly rating this show at a just as unfairly low one out of ten. In other words, sure - life sucks for most of us, but at least this reviewer very much enjoyed watching many episodes of this most interesting show, simply by - keeping my mind open.
The fact that this show rubs instant success in the faces of so many who are unqualified for the fantasy within - because most male AND!! female millionaires on the show really are seeking an unusually attractive partner with which to settle down. Also if people bothered watching more than one episode they might find it interesting that quite a few of the so called millionaires are more dumb than the women they are seeking to date, which is very amusing to watch. Anyway, please blame nature for the unfairness of the reality within this show. Thankfully it's also the nature of a few which makes this show so interesting.
Take the show with a pinch of salt and you should enjoy it far more than the majority of closed minded, 'morally superior' folk. BUT please don't blame this show - at least without giving the reason for your blame some cold+hard+truth analysis!
- supadude2004
- May 23, 2012
- Permalink
First - this show is not for everyone. A lot of people may not like the title, subject matter or even the preachiness of the very opinionated Patti Stanger (the "matchmaker") ... and that's cool.
However, if those things don't immediately repel you ... then it's actually kind of fun to watch. I don't watch the interview-date shows on network TV or MTV/VH1, but this show really grabbed my attention.
Why? We see people diagnosed, coached, select dates and then perform on them. The fact that the focus is on a millionaire (generally 30s-50s) who's paying Stanger a lot of money to find a long-term mate ... adds a flair of interest to it. (Actually, I think that the ones that agree to appear on-camera have their fees waived.)
Patti Stranger's qualifications probably boil down to the fact that she's a fast-talking "do it my way because you're still single" bully. BUT - sometimes that's what might be needed to get some successful businesspeople to make changes (esp. those who are a little too full of themselves).
If you've ever found shows of this genre amusing (even if just for a few minutes), it's worth checking out an episode. You'll either love it and keep watching ... or shun it forever. So far, I'm still watching!
However, if those things don't immediately repel you ... then it's actually kind of fun to watch. I don't watch the interview-date shows on network TV or MTV/VH1, but this show really grabbed my attention.
Why? We see people diagnosed, coached, select dates and then perform on them. The fact that the focus is on a millionaire (generally 30s-50s) who's paying Stanger a lot of money to find a long-term mate ... adds a flair of interest to it. (Actually, I think that the ones that agree to appear on-camera have their fees waived.)
Patti Stranger's qualifications probably boil down to the fact that she's a fast-talking "do it my way because you're still single" bully. BUT - sometimes that's what might be needed to get some successful businesspeople to make changes (esp. those who are a little too full of themselves).
If you've ever found shows of this genre amusing (even if just for a few minutes), it's worth checking out an episode. You'll either love it and keep watching ... or shun it forever. So far, I'm still watching!
I use go watch this a lot because I was curious about how the relationship would go and then it occurred to me this show is degrading. You have a woman that claim to know everything about relationships and hooking people up but I never really experienced relationships that really worked long term. More importantly I can't think of anything easier from a business point of view than trying to hook up a bunch of, what I can only describe as bimbos or gold diggers, to a millionaire. Of course, the answer is always yes and every show is about a bunch of women in short mini skirts trying to hook up with men with money or desperate men after wealthy women. Most of the time the millionaire is also just after a bit of fun and after someone half their age. How on earth this matchmaker can think she is so good at hooking people up, I have no idea. It's more like a high class escort service than a dating business.
- matrixmistro
- Feb 5, 2015
- Permalink
I accidentally saw 5 minutes of this and it's honestly the most disgusting TV I've ever seen. In the 5 minutes we see a millionaire guy who honestly acts like a disgusting pervo creep looking for the dumbest and blondest woman he can find. Then he gets upset when after one date it turns out she is dating another guy. How dare she? We see another millionaire guy at the age of 51 looking at women under 25 and rejecting one for being "too old". Then he gets upset that a woman he was semi-interesting in has children. Gasp, how dare she? We see a long line of dim witted, personality free blondes being portrayed as "the woman ideal". We see the host (?) a cheeto-coloured, duck faced woman throw a hysteric hissy fit at the ONE woman who shows even a tiny bit of personality and scream filth and hate at her for being a redhead. Disgusting TV.
- Firehairedviking-652-538289
- Feb 10, 2012
- Permalink
I've read a lot of reviews claiming this idiot matchmaker likes to single out rich men and set them up with gold diggers. I watched one episode and was disgusted and appalled by this moron's attitude. She blatantly calls certain men "Unfu**able" to their faces if she finds them unattractive.
And she only matches rich people, as if money is the most important thing in a relationship. I've never liked BRAVO shows, and this pathetic embarrassment only strengthens my dislike for the network.
I think this show is an offense to all middle or lower-class people with jobs because this travesty suggests rich people are the best and everyone else is low-down scum.
And she only matches rich people, as if money is the most important thing in a relationship. I've never liked BRAVO shows, and this pathetic embarrassment only strengthens my dislike for the network.
I think this show is an offense to all middle or lower-class people with jobs because this travesty suggests rich people are the best and everyone else is low-down scum.
I really don't want to waste much of my time reviewing this show, so I am just going to say that Stanger is the most terrible person I have ever seen paid to be on TV. I walked in on an episode in which Stanger was saying the most hateful, prejudiced, disgusting things I have ever heard said to another human being on a reality type television show. I honestly felt ill listening to her spew her blind hatred. I can't believe this show is on the air. Pathetic. I would like to think that society would not be sucked in by this type of drama. I wish there was some way I could have some effect on whether the show continues to be aired, but for now I will just post a review. I hope what I have to say might spare at least one person from making the mistake of wasting their time watching this program. I may be a marshmallowbrain, but I have sense enough to know the right way to treat others, and this program certainly doesn't promote that.
- marshmallowbrain
- Sep 18, 2014
- Permalink
"Millionaire Matchmaker" is probably the worst show to ever be on television. I cannot imagine a more repulsive television program being produced, even if a TV producer made repulsive television their goal.
I will not attack anyone involved in or on the show personally, as I believe that is wrong. However, I will say that this television program is only watched by people who enjoy the way it dances around the fine line between gold-digging and prostitution. I have friends who enjoy this show and that is what they get a kick out of... watching guys who should settle for sweet, less attractive, less interesting women pay a faux-madame to set them up with porn stars, strippers, and struggling actresses who one day might be porn stars and strippers.
Honestly, I can see why people find it amusing to watch terribly misguided people do terribly misguided things, but I find it too revolting to laugh.
In the episode that I watched, I found it pretty repulsive until I saw the owner of the agency demand that a potential client whose mother was in the hospital had to be pursued immediately for a cashier's check. That is when I realized this was more disgusting than anything that had ever been on television before. I would hope that scene would demonstrate to potential clients why they should not send in their money.
This has got to be the worst show ever.
I will not attack anyone involved in or on the show personally, as I believe that is wrong. However, I will say that this television program is only watched by people who enjoy the way it dances around the fine line between gold-digging and prostitution. I have friends who enjoy this show and that is what they get a kick out of... watching guys who should settle for sweet, less attractive, less interesting women pay a faux-madame to set them up with porn stars, strippers, and struggling actresses who one day might be porn stars and strippers.
Honestly, I can see why people find it amusing to watch terribly misguided people do terribly misguided things, but I find it too revolting to laugh.
In the episode that I watched, I found it pretty repulsive until I saw the owner of the agency demand that a potential client whose mother was in the hospital had to be pursued immediately for a cashier's check. That is when I realized this was more disgusting than anything that had ever been on television before. I would hope that scene would demonstrate to potential clients why they should not send in their money.
This has got to be the worst show ever.
The guests seem to have really deep issues and Patti Stanger is not a therapist. I've never heard of any therapist using the "F" word over and over again and humiliating people. She claims to only have them for a "week" to get them fixed. She isn't fixing anything and her own behavior is atrocious. The show gives poor support to anyone having relationship issues and should not be on TV particularly with her choice of language. Poor at best.
- blynn11548
- Sep 3, 2017
- Permalink
I am recovering from major surgery so watching lots of Netflix! I am
don't agree w people having issues with the financial "millionaire" prerequisite to me is NOT the issue. Dating and meeting people, teaching grown men or women common sense manners and respect is needed in this world! HOWEVER: PATTY: should be sued and I am not a believer in suing for any reason. I feel it takes away from real issues but this woman and the way she treats her staff is ridiculous! One show she snapped her fingers and told the dumb minions to get to work. She treats them horrifically! The show could have carried out the match making and even in my opinion had more support from people with the financial prerequisite but her attitude while once in every 10 times may be correct her delivery to the client and staff is horrendous! I feel bad for. Despite having the money to hire her finding the perfect mate is difficult enough and the show could have made it tasteful! The way that she speaks to her staff and her bossy, overbearing attitude, rude comments to people are not acceptable! If she worked for a corporation she would be fired! I believe she is ugly, insecure, and nasty to give herself a power high! The network obviously like all these other shows are trying to get ratings but to allow her to go so overboard and clearly present herself most of the times as someone with severe mental health issues and lack of her own self esteem is CLEARLY recognized!! She needs some medication and severe therapy and I think David her man must have a nervous breakdown dealing w her. She is NOT that attractive herself and I don't mean just the outside looks but her inside screams insecurity and she treats people like animals! She needs to be put in her place and the show could have most likely had a better response. I think she is so insecure the only way she can feel good about herself is to put others down or when she succeeds at Kiki a match in my opinion most of Her workers as she puts them down every chance she gets actually does the work. She is out of control and if the network selected a calmer, nicer, person that actually has self esteem the show could be great! It is really wrong when she puts people down and tells them their shoes are ugly, their hair is disgusting, her staff is stupid....she speaks so unprofessional. options on TV for this class! Shame on the network and anyone who doesn't hold her accountable! She sets a terrible example of a business woman, a lady, and for trying to teach people respect she treats people horrible! She states every chance she can she doesn't like not being listened to. She really needs some psychological help. Keep the show get rid of her and give her staff a raise and some credit! What kills me is when she sends candidates who go on national TV to take a chance and she tells them how ugly they are, their shoes are disgusting, they are gross etc, and most of the time the candidates look and act a heck of a lot better then her! It's already a controversial show due to the financial aspect but to throw in a woman who has ZERO class as a lady, business woman, or human being run it makes it horrific! I believe in any financial class relationships are hard enough to find the right person. So I don't have an issue w the millionaire component but I seriously have an issue with how she is permitted to break every human resources law expected from any other company. One would think dealing with higher class clients you could surely find a lady with more class to be the example. Again, to me and most people I've talked to it is clearly evident that she has zero self esteem and she only feels good putting people down or taking all the credit for something she most likely didn't do the leg work for. I would like to know how she can get away with speaking to her employees the way she does. If the millionaires choose to spend their money for a chance at finding someone that's on them and it does appear it has worked but she should not be permitted to real every human resources law basically in every state just because she's on a TV show. Get her some medication, counseling, and find a lady or savvy tough respectful business woman. And if you are going to put someone down for their looks they should take a long look on the mirror first! She is not pretty inside or out! She truly disgusts me and I feel bad for anyone that has to deal with her. Her husband/boyfriend must really want the fame from television to deal with her because she is clearly not right in the head. She probably has always struggled with her weight, most likely been picked on for most of her life, and for whatever reason she's the expert for this show is just a lack of respect to all women and I believe it takes advantage of even the clients despite how much money they have. People get hung up on their income to me, I see them as people who have worked hard to be financially stable and that shouldn't be held against another person who is blue collar that is looking for the same thing but NOBODY should have to endure the outspoken, rude, and mentally unstable person who acts like she's OK speed half the time. Get some class people. These are all human beings! Take her off and get her some help!
don't agree w people having issues with the financial "millionaire" prerequisite to me is NOT the issue. Dating and meeting people, teaching grown men or women common sense manners and respect is needed in this world! HOWEVER: PATTY: should be sued and I am not a believer in suing for any reason. I feel it takes away from real issues but this woman and the way she treats her staff is ridiculous! One show she snapped her fingers and told the dumb minions to get to work. She treats them horrifically! The show could have carried out the match making and even in my opinion had more support from people with the financial prerequisite but her attitude while once in every 10 times may be correct her delivery to the client and staff is horrendous! I feel bad for. Despite having the money to hire her finding the perfect mate is difficult enough and the show could have made it tasteful! The way that she speaks to her staff and her bossy, overbearing attitude, rude comments to people are not acceptable! If she worked for a corporation she would be fired! I believe she is ugly, insecure, and nasty to give herself a power high! The network obviously like all these other shows are trying to get ratings but to allow her to go so overboard and clearly present herself most of the times as someone with severe mental health issues and lack of her own self esteem is CLEARLY recognized!! She needs some medication and severe therapy and I think David her man must have a nervous breakdown dealing w her. She is NOT that attractive herself and I don't mean just the outside looks but her inside screams insecurity and she treats people like animals! She needs to be put in her place and the show could have most likely had a better response. I think she is so insecure the only way she can feel good about herself is to put others down or when she succeeds at Kiki a match in my opinion most of Her workers as she puts them down every chance she gets actually does the work. She is out of control and if the network selected a calmer, nicer, person that actually has self esteem the show could be great! It is really wrong when she puts people down and tells them their shoes are ugly, their hair is disgusting, her staff is stupid....she speaks so unprofessional. options on TV for this class! Shame on the network and anyone who doesn't hold her accountable! She sets a terrible example of a business woman, a lady, and for trying to teach people respect she treats people horrible! She states every chance she can she doesn't like not being listened to. She really needs some psychological help. Keep the show get rid of her and give her staff a raise and some credit! What kills me is when she sends candidates who go on national TV to take a chance and she tells them how ugly they are, their shoes are disgusting, they are gross etc, and most of the time the candidates look and act a heck of a lot better then her! It's already a controversial show due to the financial aspect but to throw in a woman who has ZERO class as a lady, business woman, or human being run it makes it horrific! I believe in any financial class relationships are hard enough to find the right person. So I don't have an issue w the millionaire component but I seriously have an issue with how she is permitted to break every human resources law expected from any other company. One would think dealing with higher class clients you could surely find a lady with more class to be the example. Again, to me and most people I've talked to it is clearly evident that she has zero self esteem and she only feels good putting people down or taking all the credit for something she most likely didn't do the leg work for. I would like to know how she can get away with speaking to her employees the way she does. If the millionaires choose to spend their money for a chance at finding someone that's on them and it does appear it has worked but she should not be permitted to real every human resources law basically in every state just because she's on a TV show. Get her some medication, counseling, and find a lady or savvy tough respectful business woman. And if you are going to put someone down for their looks they should take a long look on the mirror first! She is not pretty inside or out! She truly disgusts me and I feel bad for anyone that has to deal with her. Her husband/boyfriend must really want the fame from television to deal with her because she is clearly not right in the head. She probably has always struggled with her weight, most likely been picked on for most of her life, and for whatever reason she's the expert for this show is just a lack of respect to all women and I believe it takes advantage of even the clients despite how much money they have. People get hung up on their income to me, I see them as people who have worked hard to be financially stable and that shouldn't be held against another person who is blue collar that is looking for the same thing but NOBODY should have to endure the outspoken, rude, and mentally unstable person who acts like she's OK speed half the time. Get some class people. These are all human beings! Take her off and get her some help!
- alyssarosek
- Jul 31, 2015
- Permalink
Patti sets up financially prosperous people with matches that hopefully bring enough other assets to the table to put them on an even playing field with the millionaires. Sometimes it's wealthy straight men looking to meet beautiful women, sometimes it's wealthy cougar ladies looking to meet young studs, sometimes it's lesbians or gay couples. There's no discrimination here. Gold diggers come in all shapes, sizes, genders, orientations, socioeconomic statuses etc. I think this show really irks some men who think they should be able to land young, gorgeous women even though they're not rich. That's not very realistic and they should adjust their standards in dating instead of shaking their fists of fury at the world and calling Patti "evil." She didn't make the laws of attraction, she just understands them.
Patti tells it like it is. I agree with almost all of her dating advice. She's also funny. I enjoy the format of the show: The assistants find the millionaires by scouring through hours of self submissions. Patti reviews their choices and then sets out to meet them in person. She tries to assess why they're having a hard time finding a partner and although her assessments are often cliché, (the men can't commit because they always think they can do better and are worried about what they're missing out on; the women can't commit because they work too hard to make these millions and are married to their jobs,) she's usually accurate. I love when she tells her clients that they're dating too young. The one thing I do wish she'd say to them is: "If you want to get married...but you won't consider a woman over a certain age...what do you think is going to happen in 5-15 years??" Clearly some of these men have no intention of mating for life. But that's neither here nor there: Good show. Good times.
Patti tells it like it is. I agree with almost all of her dating advice. She's also funny. I enjoy the format of the show: The assistants find the millionaires by scouring through hours of self submissions. Patti reviews their choices and then sets out to meet them in person. She tries to assess why they're having a hard time finding a partner and although her assessments are often cliché, (the men can't commit because they always think they can do better and are worried about what they're missing out on; the women can't commit because they work too hard to make these millions and are married to their jobs,) she's usually accurate. I love when she tells her clients that they're dating too young. The one thing I do wish she'd say to them is: "If you want to get married...but you won't consider a woman over a certain age...what do you think is going to happen in 5-15 years??" Clearly some of these men have no intention of mating for life. But that's neither here nor there: Good show. Good times.
- Jupiter555555
- Mar 29, 2015
- Permalink
This is a fun romp of a show to watch and learn a few things about how the opposite sex minds work. Patti is a third generation match maker and even though she can't seem to find love for herself she is fantastic at being blunt and helping people see what is blocking them from finding love and partnership.
Even Millionaires need help honing their relationship skills. The biggest thing I personally took from it is keep your business personality at work. Keep dating and being excited about the other person and their interests. Get out of our own heads and pay attention to what is really being said and going on. Enjoy !
Even Millionaires need help honing their relationship skills. The biggest thing I personally took from it is keep your business personality at work. Keep dating and being excited about the other person and their interests. Get out of our own heads and pay attention to what is really being said and going on. Enjoy !
- juliahairchick
- Jul 9, 2016
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- Just-Being-Me
- Mar 4, 2014
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Patti has an unusual set of rules. No sex until the couple is monogamous but she insists they french kiss on the first date. What if one or both do not want a strangers tongue in their mouth? So unsanitary and personal. She flips out if they do not do it. She should leave the style of kissing to the couples wo her screeching about it.
There are no stats on how many if any of her matches get married. The show is more like an escort service in many cases.
Patti is funny and means no harm but she wants everyone to follow her way of dating which does not fit every couple. Some people just want to get to know someone before hugging and kissing. They know virtually nothing about each other when they first date.
When she instructs men to buy his date a $500 gift from Tiffany's for no reason.. Why would he do that?
She tells them to do many odd things like that and she is extremely critical before even meeting people.
I do agree with many of the alterations she tells the men and women to make.
So how many of these matches end up in a marriage?
There are no stats on how many if any of her matches get married. The show is more like an escort service in many cases.
Patti is funny and means no harm but she wants everyone to follow her way of dating which does not fit every couple. Some people just want to get to know someone before hugging and kissing. They know virtually nothing about each other when they first date.
When she instructs men to buy his date a $500 gift from Tiffany's for no reason.. Why would he do that?
She tells them to do many odd things like that and she is extremely critical before even meeting people.
I do agree with many of the alterations she tells the men and women to make.
So how many of these matches end up in a marriage?
- myladynorth
- Jan 1, 2025
- Permalink
Yes, I'm a liberal woman but I'm appalled by Patti Stanger and this show of setting up people for marriage. Her clients are all superficial, lame, and vain. They all think highly of themselves and expect the same. The men or women who come to the social gatherings are nothing special. Like one episode, she has an Israeli Jewish guy named Uri who is self-centered and vain about himself. He wants a Jewish girl who dances to marry and bear his children. Then there is a Kurdish Persian Muslim guy who brings his entire family to see behind the window about the possible future wife. It's highly unlikely this guy will satisfy his demanding mother. I would say that the two men have more in common and should have gone out for a drink. Their expectations are high because they have millions of dollars. Patti states that she'll let Uri have first chance with the Jewish girls who come to the window. But obviously, Patty was playing favorites with Uri coming up first. If Uri was really religious, he wouldn't go to her but a Jewish matchmaker. Patty didn't seem to care or show much interest for her second client. She found him arrogant but I find the same with her. Patti appoints herself to be the authority on the Jewish culture but times have changed. In fact, she forgets to inform the audiences that more than half of all Jews marry outside their religion and ethnicity which is a fact. They also look for love outside their comfort zones and many have liberal views about the world. You don't fall in love with an idea but a person. I think it's all forgotten in this show. If Patty was so great, why isn't she married herself?
- Sylviastel
- Jul 1, 2012
- Permalink
This show purports to match millionaires with money hungry people! I am so disgusted with the prerequisite of the person looking for a match has to be a millionaire! This is totally opposite to any genuine loving relationship based on true feelings! This is no different to women from eastern Europe or Thailand wanting someone to pay for citizenship in another country, no matter what! Shows like this only glamorize fake shallow money hungry relationships! We are losing sight of what really counts in life! If shows like this and other so called reality shows like the kardashians, housewives of everywhere etc. where money and being fake is normal and the only way to be happy is have money and worry what everyone else thinks! Shows like this are extremely detrimental to true happiness as money is not the key as opposed to the message perpetrated by this show! How long is it going to take for people or producers of these shows to realize that they are creating a generation of plastic, money hungry idiots that believe the message given by these shows is what counts in life and it's normal to be superficial and fake! Sad, very sad!
- bellab1972
- Feb 5, 2013
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