I'm a huge fan of single location movies like Buried or Last Call. However the dialogue in the first 30 minutes of the movie doesn't make any sense. Only after the main character gains a bit of trust with the other party does it start to make sense, and the character development starts, but by then, I had lost a lot of the interest.
It did pick up well enough for me to finish watching the whole movie. Even if it doesn't bring a lot of new things to the table, it's still a decent enough movie that keeps you guessing what the hell is going on (even though that's never the real point of these movies). Don't expect it to be explained to you -- the ending will keep you guessing, and that's fine.
The sci-fi bits and the very few effects of the movie are quite good, but the attempt to mathematically explain what's going is absolutely nonsensical.
The movie feels like they threw Cube, Buried and Last Call into a mixer, but didn't add any other ingredients and forgot to blend or shake it. Still an entertaining watch if you're a fan of the genre.