I really expected better from National Geographic. I watched all of the episodes, hoping it would get better, but it did not. It tries too hard to be dramatic, throwing in unnecessary suspenseful music and over-the-top narration. The subject matter is interesting enough-it does not need that kind of fakey embellishment! Unfortunately, it rarely has time to actually explore the archaeological findings and discuss how they fit into the historical context of the Mayan civilization. Most of the time is spent on repeating fake dramatic teasers (mainly in a vain attempt to keep viewers hooked around commercials-a technique that backfires spectacularly when viewers are streaming without commercials), excessive use of phrases like "now for the very first time!!!", and repetitive glorification of LIDAR technology and how none of the discoveries would ever have been found without it. It's more like a commercial than a documentary. If you're looking for substance, you'll have to look elsewhere. If you like vapid repetitions of "ever!", "incredible!", "new!", "never before!", and "exciting!", set to dramatic music, then this show is for you.