Coming from Brampton and the Punjabi community that resides there, this is a botched attempt to capture the real struggles and complexities faced by our community. It's at best an embarrassment.
Reading articles in which the creator compares it to "The Godfather" or "Sopranos" is a big stretch. This ain't Michael or Tony, lets just get that outta the way. And it begs the question, did the creator even watch those works of cinema? The main character gives the audience little reason to empathize for her situation like the aforementioned two anti-heroes.
Why should we care for a wanna be Instagram influencer whose dad got arrested for selling drugs? As a Punjabi girl who grew up in Brampton, the main character is far from relatable or likeable and literally promulgates the negative stereotype that all brown girls are vain and obsessed with their looks and have nothing else to offer (except what now... selling the same drugs that are tearing apart our community? ooo so edgy!). Maybe if she had some other redeeming qualities that were highlighted it would be more interesting. But no. She's not a flawed-hero from what we see, just flawed. Am I supposed to cheer because she can't make cha? or uses foul language in front of her Nani?
The plot twists seem flat and underwhelming. The music choices are just as flat and underwhelming. The acting by a few members of the supporting cast isn't bad but isn't great either. The story itself doesn't adequately tackle any issues in the south Asian community, not even the issue of truckers selling drugs, we hardly get any reasons for the father's motivation.
It's just an insult to the families that have actually been torn apart in our community by drug dealing and gangs, especially in Surrey. An all around irredeemable mess, you're not left with any excitement for a new season or more episodes. Which is probably the only good thing about it.