- A wide-eyed sister missionary arrives in Austria to begin her 18-month-long mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Despite having to make a few cultural adjustments, Sister Taylor meets every challenge with optimism. Her enthusiasm to share the Gospel makes her indomitable, until she finds herself with an abrasive companion whom she doesn't understand and doesn't particularly like. This challenge, along with the ordinary vicissitudes of missionary life begin to wear on her, and thus in the process of sharing the Gospel, Sister Taylor finds herself gaining a better understanding of its key precepts: faith, repentance, forgiveness, and charity.—Excel Entertainment
- Rachel Taylor (Erin Chambers) comes to Austria to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She begins her journey with high ideals and low language skills. Through her challenges with the culture, the cuisine, and a companion from another place, she is able to find meaning behind the very beliefs she has set forth to share. The Errand of Angels is a moving experience of a young woman's spiritual journey in the picturesque country of Austria. From happiness to sadness to anger to peace, with enough awkwardness along the way to keep us laughing, the film explores Rachel's growth as she finds love for those less lovable and learns the true purpose of her mission.
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