In the rain dance, Cable's red jacket is on and off between scenes.
Right before Sophie kisses Moose, his hat is backwards. When she kisses him it is forward, then after the kiss it is backwards again.
During the last dance scene (in the rain), the character "Cable" (Harry Shum Jr.) with the tan hat has a jacket in some scenes and no jacket in others as do "Smiles" and "Hair".
After the big dance in the rain, and after Andie talks to Blake, Chase walks up to Andie and is now completely dry.
After Chase gets beaten up and is talking to Andie, the scar from the fight is present, but when he is talking with Andie after she gets expelled, his scar is not there. There is not sufficient time for it to heal. The scar reappears when he talks to Blake.
Some of the dance moves in the last dance is played backwards. You can tell by Andie's hair moving the wrong way when moving.
During the rain dance, it is obvious they are dancing on mats, and not on the ground. You can see the indents of the dancers' feet and hands in the "ground" plus you can see wrinkles in the mats on the wide aerial shots.
Blake Collins doesn't do one thing right he was for all intents and purposes he is out of order.
1. he know from the word go that the female lead was not a ballet dancer. 2.he humiliates her on the first day by having her try to come up with a street dance piece off the top of her head to romantic music used for ballet dancing. 3. when it is revealed that she can't do it, he insists she does after school 1 to 1 ballet classes with him everyday. and lastly 4. at the first sign of trouble he expels the female lead without even giving her a chance to explain anything.
1. he know from the word go that the female lead was not a ballet dancer. 2.he humiliates her on the first day by having her try to come up with a street dance piece off the top of her head to romantic music used for ballet dancing. 3. when it is revealed that she can't do it, he insists she does after school 1 to 1 ballet classes with him everyday. and lastly 4. at the first sign of trouble he expels the female lead without even giving her a chance to explain anything.
Blake Collins doesn't do one thing right for all intents and purposes he is out of order.