- Aakash Mishra [The Scrbblr]
- AbstractAF [Sneha Jaiswal]
- Access Bollywood [Kathy Gibson]
- Cinema365 [Carlos deVillalvilla]
- Each Little Things [Hari Pavan]
- film-rezensionen.de [Oliver Armknecht]
- German
- HEAVEN OF HORROR [Karina Adelgaard AKA ScreamQueen]
- Hollywood Fan View [Samy]
- Tamil
- Leer Cine [Santiago García]
- Spanish
- Movie Laundry [Laundry boy]
- MoviePass Kowdiar
- MovieShuvie YouTube Kaali Khuhi
- official Netflix
- Prabhat Khabar [Urmila Kori]
- Hindi
- ReadySteadyCut [Dan Hart]
- SarkariFlix
- Skosnooki Strach [Agnieszka Kijewska] (Poland)
- UK Film Review [Alicia Moore]
- YouTube [Charcha With Bhurani]
- YouTube FilmiKnight INDIA (Honest Criticism)
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