Framed narrowly so the mysteries are only so in order to protect the convenient narrative. Why is the region so destabilized that such groups roam free would be the most basic question, but a film making heroes of journalists oddly doesn't ask the question. Or why are these journalists so naive that they didn't realize this would happen. If they didn't have a finger on the pulse and were little more than naive tourists, what good were they. And as for Jihadi John, they didn't really delve into the questions why such youth are so easy to radicalize because it implicates themselves, the hbo set. The question should be why wouldn't they radicalize when met with a western culture which is hedonistic, emasculated, soulless, godless, and sterile, dysfunctional in every way that woke requires. Why would a muslim accept a society where the only good christian is one waving a rainbow flag. The reasons to hate the west are fed to them by the media, and their teachers and professors, a culture so sexist, so racist, so riddled with sin and so self hating that it deserves to be replaced, all Jihadi John needed to do was go back to his roots and agree with the woke left.
In the end he had a son, and the wests immune system is so broken that his son will be entitled to live in the west if he chooses. Whether people like it or not he chose the rational decision, the west could only offer him life under feminism as a gelded man. The west created the conditions where he could chose to be evil, not just here, but where we destabilized the region all to protect the interests of those who would benefit from it.