The Three Stooges Show
- TV Series
- 1964
- 30m
"The Three Stooges Show" was a hosted children's show with John Zacherle as "Zacherley" on WPIX-TV, Channel 11, New York City, New York , Monday- Friday between 4:30pm to 5:00pm from 6 - 31 ... Read all"The Three Stooges Show" was a hosted children's show with John Zacherle as "Zacherley" on WPIX-TV, Channel 11, New York City, New York , Monday- Friday between 4:30pm to 5:00pm from 6 - 31 January 1964."The Three Stooges Show" was a hosted children's show with John Zacherle as "Zacherley" on WPIX-TV, Channel 11, New York City, New York , Monday- Friday between 4:30pm to 5:00pm from 6 - 31 January 1964.