116 reviews
Even though this is a mixed bag in some regards, I have to admit that some of the ideas were actually pretty decent and new - at least to me. And I liked them a lot.
There are some negatives, such as the slightly insecure direction and camera work. It felt like director and DoP were kind of... holding back and sometimes even struggling to keep a consistent tonality. Sometimes, the film gets outright Raimiesque in tone, but unfortunately without the famous Raimi swag. The editing could have been a bit tighter at times, and the colour grading was a bit inconsistent, but the sound design, the score and the overall atmosphere were surprisingly good, along with the practical effects and some VFX.
Considering the fact that this was a very low-budget movie, this was way better than expected, and I hope the creative team gathered some experience and gets a much higher budget next time. If you're a horror fan like me, this will be quite interesting to you.
There are some negatives, such as the slightly insecure direction and camera work. It felt like director and DoP were kind of... holding back and sometimes even struggling to keep a consistent tonality. Sometimes, the film gets outright Raimiesque in tone, but unfortunately without the famous Raimi swag. The editing could have been a bit tighter at times, and the colour grading was a bit inconsistent, but the sound design, the score and the overall atmosphere were surprisingly good, along with the practical effects and some VFX.
Considering the fact that this was a very low-budget movie, this was way better than expected, and I hope the creative team gathered some experience and gets a much higher budget next time. If you're a horror fan like me, this will be quite interesting to you.
- IMDbKeepsDeletingMyReviews
- Apr 2, 2022
- Permalink
- myignisrules
- Mar 16, 2022
- Permalink
"The Exorcism of God" is a movie with plenty of clichés and predictable jump scares. The script had potential, it was interesting but it ended up being a forced and meaningless story. Cinematography is good in night scenes and interior locations, but in daylight scenes it's pretty mediocre. The cast overreacts and the only good performance is that of Patricia Rojas who performs a special participation. The makeup effects are well done making the possessed realistic. The computer generated effects are pathetic and laughable. A film with the occasional interesting scene, however, it is not saved from being a bad production that tried to be different within the theme of exorcisms.
- milesrdavis
- Apr 13, 2023
- Permalink
If you check my other reviews I go back a number of years and no one owns me, this is a real review by a horror fan.
The 10's are likely fakes. Movie is not a 10. Its not a 0 either. And better than average.
Every time I see an exorcism movie advertised I roll my eyes. I am 54, and have seen them all from the Exorcist own down. I often pass by the long stairs in Georgetown where the priest in that movie appeared and death happened.
But. This movie brings several fresh things to the table. I won't spoil any, better if you see them with no clue. Know that they are very original and never seen before. My teenage girls and wife were screaming often, and they do not scare easy. They are seasoned horror fans.
If you are a fan of horror, if you like to be scared, if you like earned jump scares, this is for you. The acting is really really good, the special effects are also well done. There is a lot of heart and they have done the max with the budget they had. If you are a horror fan, you will be fine.
There are some sexual topics in the movie that may not be suitable for younger viewers. It is rated R for a reason. Mainly the sexual aspects. All told, the sum total of all scenes with sexual tones are less than 10 minutes. It is not over used. But it is there, including some explicit language. Personally, I would say for teens ages 15 and up. The more up the better. My teenage daughters made ME close my eyes twice. Seriously.
The plot has not been done before, that is new too. One of the types of exorcism has NEVER been done before in any movie, ever. Was a fun twist.
Hopefully there will be a part 2. Movie alludes to it, but no worries, the movie stands on its own.
The 10's are likely fakes. Movie is not a 10. Its not a 0 either. And better than average.
Every time I see an exorcism movie advertised I roll my eyes. I am 54, and have seen them all from the Exorcist own down. I often pass by the long stairs in Georgetown where the priest in that movie appeared and death happened.
But. This movie brings several fresh things to the table. I won't spoil any, better if you see them with no clue. Know that they are very original and never seen before. My teenage girls and wife were screaming often, and they do not scare easy. They are seasoned horror fans.
If you are a fan of horror, if you like to be scared, if you like earned jump scares, this is for you. The acting is really really good, the special effects are also well done. There is a lot of heart and they have done the max with the budget they had. If you are a horror fan, you will be fine.
There are some sexual topics in the movie that may not be suitable for younger viewers. It is rated R for a reason. Mainly the sexual aspects. All told, the sum total of all scenes with sexual tones are less than 10 minutes. It is not over used. But it is there, including some explicit language. Personally, I would say for teens ages 15 and up. The more up the better. My teenage daughters made ME close my eyes twice. Seriously.
The plot has not been done before, that is new too. One of the types of exorcism has NEVER been done before in any movie, ever. Was a fun twist.
Hopefully there will be a part 2. Movie alludes to it, but no worries, the movie stands on its own.
- tony-146-695626
- Mar 11, 2022
- Permalink
- andersbeider
- Mar 30, 2022
- Permalink
It is no secret that when I sat down to watch the 2021 horror movie "The Exorcism of God", I was figuring this would be just another run-of-the-mill exorcism movie. You know, the ones that come a dime a dozen, and usually have questionable special effects and end up being subpar movies. But still, I opted to watch this movie from writers Santiago Fernández Calvete and Alejandro Hidalgo, as it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen.
And I am glad that I did watch it, because director Alejandro Hidalgo managed to take the written script and storyline and turned it into a rather wholesome and surprisingly nice exorcism movie. I was pleasantly surprised with the level of entertainment that the director brought to the screen. And it was a refreshing change of pace in narrative for an exorcism movie.
I was especially impressed with the special effects in "The Exorcism of God". The special effects teams brought the visuals to the screen in a very good manner. Especially the effects on the possessed women was amazing. I loved that touch of detail in the movie. It just added a whole layer of atmosphere and demonic possession to the movie.
I was for the majority of the cast ensemble not familiar with the faces on the screen. In fact, the only one I recognized here was Joseph Marcell. It should be said that actor Will Beinbrink, playing Father Peter Williams, was really superbly cast for this movie and for that particular role, as he carried the movie phenomenally well with his performance.
If you enjoy exorcism movies, then you most definitely should sit down to watch "The Exorcism of God" if you get the chance. I was genuinely entertained and more than pleasantly surprised with the entire movie.
My rating of "The Exorcism of God" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
And I am glad that I did watch it, because director Alejandro Hidalgo managed to take the written script and storyline and turned it into a rather wholesome and surprisingly nice exorcism movie. I was pleasantly surprised with the level of entertainment that the director brought to the screen. And it was a refreshing change of pace in narrative for an exorcism movie.
I was especially impressed with the special effects in "The Exorcism of God". The special effects teams brought the visuals to the screen in a very good manner. Especially the effects on the possessed women was amazing. I loved that touch of detail in the movie. It just added a whole layer of atmosphere and demonic possession to the movie.
I was for the majority of the cast ensemble not familiar with the faces on the screen. In fact, the only one I recognized here was Joseph Marcell. It should be said that actor Will Beinbrink, playing Father Peter Williams, was really superbly cast for this movie and for that particular role, as he carried the movie phenomenally well with his performance.
If you enjoy exorcism movies, then you most definitely should sit down to watch "The Exorcism of God" if you get the chance. I was genuinely entertained and more than pleasantly surprised with the entire movie.
My rating of "The Exorcism of God" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
- paul_haakonsen
- Mar 12, 2022
- Permalink
- jarrod-coby
- May 20, 2023
- Permalink
So, Ive read a lot of these negative reviews but I have to be honest its actually pretty good. No spoilers here, just a good watch with some good amount of horror.
The BLATANT rip off of the Max Von Sydow scenes (especially the standing outside the house) should be a reason to ban this film completely ... BUT ...
It's actually not too bad, compared with other similar movies that is.
I am worried for my own mental state as the possessed girl at the beginning was strangely sexy and if I were a priest I would be seated next to Satan right now (fortunately I'm an atheist so I'm not too concerned) so hats off to the hero for his will power.
The effects aren't bad at all and some scenes are powerful.
Averagely predictable with some decent jump scares and atmospheric in places.
My average score is due to the obscene attempts at reproducing classic "Exorcist" scenes. You tried but failed.
Shame as it was worth one, maybe two more stars.
I am worried for my own mental state as the possessed girl at the beginning was strangely sexy and if I were a priest I would be seated next to Satan right now (fortunately I'm an atheist so I'm not too concerned) so hats off to the hero for his will power.
The effects aren't bad at all and some scenes are powerful.
Averagely predictable with some decent jump scares and atmospheric in places.
My average score is due to the obscene attempts at reproducing classic "Exorcist" scenes. You tried but failed.
Shame as it was worth one, maybe two more stars.
Thank God (pun intended) that finally an exorcism/possession movie has an original storyline. This added a couple points to the review from the start. The acting was good and the story moved along w'out boring dialog or stupid character decisions. The later always ruins horror films. Also had some humor so it didn't take itself too serious like other films. I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. I always watch anything horror related.
I did like this movie, despite all the criticism.
The story was good, good acting on the main characters and good make up an cgi.
It took all thats good in other "possession" movies and put it to good use.
The story was good, good acting on the main characters and good make up an cgi.
It took all thats good in other "possession" movies and put it to good use.
5.6 is very generous. This thing was all over the place and only missing the kitchen sink. Lots of makeup special effects which were not horrible, but the story line itself lacked sense and flow.
- pmahoney-57882
- Apr 9, 2022
- Permalink
It's pure garbage, some nice makeup at times apart from that, everything else is totally garbage.
JC shows up for a second, that bit is super comical.
Save your time and brain cells.
JC shows up for a second, that bit is super comical.
Save your time and brain cells.
Exorcist movies never seem to quite wane. I suppose people in general are suckers for Good vs Evil - Bible style. Unfortunately screenwriters and directors are suckers for making bad exorcist movies.
Personally I am a sucker for exorcist movies, but I try to give a nuanced review....
Plot: tainted priest defies advice and tries to exorcize victim on his own which makes him vulnerable in ways he would never fathom.
The production company has managed to get a substantial number of investors interested in getting this movie done. Rightly so. I was pleasantly surprised by the acting and the special effects. Some reviewers complain about the quality, unjustly so. But I suppose if you decide to monitor the effects you may see some flaws, but I you focus on the movie as a whole, they hold up just fine. I have seen much worse mistakes, i.e. Mircophone in the jungle in Schwarzenegger's Predator and a fully visible tech guy in X-tro.
This exorcist movie has some new takes on the genre, such a reversed ecxorcism as well as new thoughts about the ritual of exocrcisms. There is also some semi new stuff as seen in the excellent series Evil and The Exorcist, which makes it more intersting and potent. However, the downside of this potency is that the movie is a bit too short to fit all this in. I think this movie would have improved by downplaying the occult elements the first 30-40 minutes and focused more on creating a mystery. The origin of some of the possessed "creatures" is somewhat unclear.
On the whole this is a solid movie on par with recent movies like Aaron Eckhart's Incarnate, Eric Bana's Deliver us from Evil, but substantially beneath the classic The Exorcist, Legion and The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Since I am admittedly a sucker for this genre I rate this movie 7/10. But in some regards I agree with some of the other reviewers and to those who may not be into this genre and see this movie as a horror movie, I must be inclined to rate it 5/10. Still, a nice surprise indeed, especially since it is quite hard to make decent horror movie.
Personally I am a sucker for exorcist movies, but I try to give a nuanced review....
Plot: tainted priest defies advice and tries to exorcize victim on his own which makes him vulnerable in ways he would never fathom.
The production company has managed to get a substantial number of investors interested in getting this movie done. Rightly so. I was pleasantly surprised by the acting and the special effects. Some reviewers complain about the quality, unjustly so. But I suppose if you decide to monitor the effects you may see some flaws, but I you focus on the movie as a whole, they hold up just fine. I have seen much worse mistakes, i.e. Mircophone in the jungle in Schwarzenegger's Predator and a fully visible tech guy in X-tro.
This exorcist movie has some new takes on the genre, such a reversed ecxorcism as well as new thoughts about the ritual of exocrcisms. There is also some semi new stuff as seen in the excellent series Evil and The Exorcist, which makes it more intersting and potent. However, the downside of this potency is that the movie is a bit too short to fit all this in. I think this movie would have improved by downplaying the occult elements the first 30-40 minutes and focused more on creating a mystery. The origin of some of the possessed "creatures" is somewhat unclear.
On the whole this is a solid movie on par with recent movies like Aaron Eckhart's Incarnate, Eric Bana's Deliver us from Evil, but substantially beneath the classic The Exorcist, Legion and The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Since I am admittedly a sucker for this genre I rate this movie 7/10. But in some regards I agree with some of the other reviewers and to those who may not be into this genre and see this movie as a horror movie, I must be inclined to rate it 5/10. Still, a nice surprise indeed, especially since it is quite hard to make decent horror movie.
So the movie started off like it was going to be a horror and then quickly seemed like it was going to be a comedy and then it just didn't seem to know what it wanted to be.
I mean with a title like it has I wasn't expecting an amzing film but was hoping for something that knew what it was.
I mean with a title like it has I wasn't expecting an amzing film but was hoping for something that knew what it was.
- Dodge-Zombie
- Jun 11, 2022
- Permalink
This one was actually very good . The acting was great and the story was really good and it kept me entertained the whole time and I would rate it up there with some of the best . I wouldn't pay attention to all the haters out there because They're all probably religious freaks.
Where do I even begin with this travesty of a film? I can't think of a single film as completely derivative, unoriginal and downright offensive as this movie ended up being. You'd think Hollywood would learn its lesson from the dozens of Demonic possession movies it projectile vomits out every year, but they keep making the same tired mistakes time and time again. This time, however, they really took the cake and ran with it! Picture this;
Creative team leader: "What if we made a demonic possession movie, threw in every single cliche about demonic possession into the movie, BUT...hear me out now... the demons try to exorcise....get this...GOD from a priest?!?"
*The Creative team stands up, a round of applause thundering around the conference table, while the leader imagines the accolades and awards this unthinkable idea will garner him.*
This movie literally does nothing original, and the one thing it tries to do (it's in the title) is so blatantly absurd that you have to wonder how this movie even made it off the drawing board. How does a movie like this get funding? How does it pass a writing team and actors? How does it escape focus groups that undoubtedly ripped it to shreds as it deserves to be? Not even Fresh Prince's Jeffrey could save this abomination. Seriously, this movie has every single tired and worn cliche about exorcism in it, even the kitchen sink of it all, the "hollow back" walk. It's like they didn't even try to do anything fresh, unique or original. They just wanted to pump out another useless possession movie to further sully the genre.
I swear, sometimes the people involved in these movies should really take a step back and ask themselves if this is the right thing to do. Like one of those life decisions that they will ask for forgiveness later on in life. Do they not care that their names are attached to garbage? Or are they that hard up for any work that gets spun their way?
I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Not a single person should watch this movie. It's just awful. God forgive me for wasting and hour and half of my precious life that I could have used in a more constructive way.
Side note: I gave this movie one more star than it deserves simply because they bring up demonic influence in the Catholic church and how it has infected the Vatican. Let's shine a light on that in further movies in the sub genre, shall we?
Creative team leader: "What if we made a demonic possession movie, threw in every single cliche about demonic possession into the movie, BUT...hear me out now... the demons try to exorcise....get this...GOD from a priest?!?"
*The Creative team stands up, a round of applause thundering around the conference table, while the leader imagines the accolades and awards this unthinkable idea will garner him.*
This movie literally does nothing original, and the one thing it tries to do (it's in the title) is so blatantly absurd that you have to wonder how this movie even made it off the drawing board. How does a movie like this get funding? How does it pass a writing team and actors? How does it escape focus groups that undoubtedly ripped it to shreds as it deserves to be? Not even Fresh Prince's Jeffrey could save this abomination. Seriously, this movie has every single tired and worn cliche about exorcism in it, even the kitchen sink of it all, the "hollow back" walk. It's like they didn't even try to do anything fresh, unique or original. They just wanted to pump out another useless possession movie to further sully the genre.
I swear, sometimes the people involved in these movies should really take a step back and ask themselves if this is the right thing to do. Like one of those life decisions that they will ask for forgiveness later on in life. Do they not care that their names are attached to garbage? Or are they that hard up for any work that gets spun their way?
I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. Not a single person should watch this movie. It's just awful. God forgive me for wasting and hour and half of my precious life that I could have used in a more constructive way.
Side note: I gave this movie one more star than it deserves simply because they bring up demonic influence in the Catholic church and how it has infected the Vatican. Let's shine a light on that in further movies in the sub genre, shall we?
- manuelasaez
- Mar 12, 2022
- Permalink
It's hard to make a new exorcism movie without repeating scenes from other famous movies. And, indeed, it repeats some scenes but also creates new ones.
The atmosphere and lighting are very attractive.
The special effects are simple but impressive. The sound is magnificent (it is very important to watch the film with headphones or with the sound loud enough to appreciate the sound), the makeup is very well done, but it must also be said that the digital visual effects are very bad.
But the most important thing is that there are moments that are really scary, and it is very difficult to say that because we have already seen everything.
I consider it highly recommended for lovers of horror movies.
The atmosphere and lighting are very attractive.
The special effects are simple but impressive. The sound is magnificent (it is very important to watch the film with headphones or with the sound loud enough to appreciate the sound), the makeup is very well done, but it must also be said that the digital visual effects are very bad.
But the most important thing is that there are moments that are really scary, and it is very difficult to say that because we have already seen everything.
I consider it highly recommended for lovers of horror movies.
I looked at the reviews here first and decided to give this a try despite the negative reviews, because of all those 10-star reviews. That was a mistake.
Believe the bad reviews. This flick's a turkey.
It's interesting that the majority of those reviews seem to know "inside information" on the film-- budget, production info, etc. Seriously... the film group needs to stop reviewing their own film. If the film stood on its own it wouldn't require reviews from staff members. If staff has to give it artificial praise, the film failed.
Bad directing. Bad cinematography. Really bad acting. Boring plot with excessive dialog. That about sums it up.
Believe the bad reviews. This flick's a turkey.
It's interesting that the majority of those reviews seem to know "inside information" on the film-- budget, production info, etc. Seriously... the film group needs to stop reviewing their own film. If the film stood on its own it wouldn't require reviews from staff members. If staff has to give it artificial praise, the film failed.
Bad directing. Bad cinematography. Really bad acting. Boring plot with excessive dialog. That about sums it up.
- psxexperten
- Mar 11, 2022
- Permalink
I have watched many other movies with exorcism, this one is a great entertainment with a twist at the end. If you like movies with demon possessions and exorcism, I bet you will love it too. I enjoyed it and kept me engaged till the end. Very engaging plot and climax.
- salim-91-703406
- Mar 16, 2022
- Permalink
Movie starts really good the plot of the movie is totally new, and weird I must say. There's a message interspersed in it too. A bit goofy dialogues at the end. A must watch for horror fans who are tired of seeing the clichés.
- Augustus5090
- Mar 14, 2022
- Permalink
Wow ! Hard to believe Lionsgate put out this garbage. Imagine one of those really crappy comedy horror flicks from the 80s, ridiculously over the top acting, cheap shlock type effects and makeup, but it didn't matter because it made you chuckle. Now, picture that but with all the humour removed.
I can't believe Lionsgate actually picked this up, let alone released it.
'Does this review contain spoilers' ? Nope, the actors, writers, and crew already spoiled this crap WAY beyond what any review could ever do.
I can't believe Lionsgate actually picked this up, let alone released it.
'Does this review contain spoilers' ? Nope, the actors, writers, and crew already spoiled this crap WAY beyond what any review could ever do.
- mathiassorrow
- Apr 12, 2022
- Permalink
"OK", you may say, "then why did you rate it 4 if it's so bad?"
Well, the move is well made and the acting is solid. Special effects are not bad apart from a few green-screen scenes. It is the plot itself that have more holes than a swiss cheese that spoils the overall movie. If you're able to overlook that fairly fundamental flaw in the film....them the movie itself isn't completely lost. However, were I to rate the move in terms of "screen play and story", it will be a rock solid 2. So, "why the four then", you ask again: I think that the actors in the movie deserve something for their solid effort with such a rubbish script.
Well, the move is well made and the acting is solid. Special effects are not bad apart from a few green-screen scenes. It is the plot itself that have more holes than a swiss cheese that spoils the overall movie. If you're able to overlook that fairly fundamental flaw in the film....them the movie itself isn't completely lost. However, were I to rate the move in terms of "screen play and story", it will be a rock solid 2. So, "why the four then", you ask again: I think that the actors in the movie deserve something for their solid effort with such a rubbish script.
- TheOtherMovieGuy
- Mar 10, 2022
- Permalink
This movie is filled with the general exorcism movies cliches. But that doesn't make the movie terrible, unless you've watched too many exorcism movies. I personally, don't use the "it's bad if it's been used so many times" judgement. I rate it as I see it. If it's decent, then I'll rate it decently. Even if it's been played many times. Cause performance, acting and plot are the important keys in making a decent movie. And with a plot twist like this one, the writers have just paved the way for a sequel in the future. I'll be waiting for it.