In the year 2035, after a nuclear war has decimated much of the population and its natural resources, a new government group, calling themselves, The Faction, has arrived in major cities around the world with promises of a better tomorrow. With both starving and dying people littering the streets at the time, their presence was welcome and revered...for a while. Chase Evans and his younger sister Anna are the last of their family and with Chase working for a branch of the Faction-the Perfect Day Initiative (P.D.I) and Anna working at a food bank-they hope to leave the city that's slowly becoming a war zone. Tensions are coming to a head between The Faction and The Opposition, a militia group, who have banded together to overthrow the government. Anna wants to join P.D.I, but Chase forbids it. Together they have vowed to do whatever it takes to survive but Chase is losing his control over Anna and Anna is losing her will to follow the rules.