Amitabh Bachchan credited as playing...
Harish 'Harry' Mishra
- Harish 'Harry' Mishra: You get samples in a fabric shop not on stage. You never know when your best moments will happen.
- Harish 'Harry' Mishra: Since when did Neeraj become a "he"? Talk like a woman, walk like a woman, sleep like a woman - bloody homosexual.
- Harish 'Harry' Mishra: Have you seen me act?
- Siddarth: No, but heard a lot.
- Harish 'Harry' Mishra: I never did radio.
- Siddarth: ...but now that I see you.
- Harish 'Harry' Mishra: You see nothing, young man. You cannot see an actor like that. I think you're wasting your time.
- Siddarth: But I heard your best performance was in The Tempest, as Propsero.
- Harish 'Harry' Mishra: Which, Prospero? Bombay... Madras... Calcutta... act 5... act 2... Which?