At about 6 minutes, when Rich is reviewing the bankruptcy forms, the title page is shown with the heading "United States Bankruptcy Court: Northern District of Georgia." Directly below the heading is an image of the seal of the "Middle District of Georgia." The courts for the Middle District are located in the cities of Macon and Columbus, GA, the latter of which is where this movie was filmed.
"When Jamie is shooting at Frank, he shoots at Frank seven times! There isn't a seven shot revolver."
A common mistake is to believe there are only 6 round revolvers. Likely, in this case, it is a goof but 7 and 8 round have become more common including .357/.38SPC with there being 10 Rnd revolvers as well.
At approximately 57:00, when Frank puts Rachel in the bed, he pulls the covers up over her shoulder near her neck and kisses her. In the next shot the covers are only part way over her arm, well below her shoulder.
At 14:14 the camera man wearing a pandemic mask ruins the film. and you can tell by his shaking hands during the poorest punch-up scenes ever.