- Batwoman: [stopping drones form attacking civilians] How about I break up this party? Permanently.
- [blasts the drones]
- Batman: [confronting Red Hood] It's time to end this, Red Hood. Or should i say, Jason Todd.
- [everyone gasps in shock. Red Hood pulls his mask off to reveal the face of Jason Todd]
- Robin: The second Robin? I thought you were dead.
- Jason Todd: [to Batman] You said I was dead?
- Batman: No. Why would you think that, Robin?
- Robin: I don't know. The way you always avoided talking about him.
- Jason Todd: He wishes I was dead.
- [turns to Batman]
- Jason Todd: I'll give you this. You really are the world's greatest detective. What gave it away?
- Batman: I began to suspect when you were relaying personal details of everyone's secret identity. The train station where I met Damian's mother Talia, the police station where Batgirl's father works, the fairgrounds where I first met Dick, and finally the alleyway where I met you for the first time when you stole the wheels off the Batmobile.
- Robin: You stole the wheels off the Batmobile? Oh, dude, that is so cool!
- Jason Todd: Yeah, he was not happy.
- Nightwing: [chuckles] Oh, I'm guessing he gave you that lecture on how you have to "earn your own way in this world."
- Batman: Well, you do.
- Jason Todd: Never mind he inherited like, five billion dollars.
- Robin: Right? And he still makes me do chores around the house, for an allowance of...
- Robin, Jason Todd, Nightwing: Five bucks a week.
- Batgirl: [after the drones shut down] Batman must have done it! They've all shut down!
- Nightwing: What about the satellite?
- Robin: Uh-oh.
- Batgirl: What uh-oh? I do not like uh-ohs.
- Robin: The satellite. With its power gone, it's being pulled towards Earth.
- Nightwing: So?
- Robin: So, according to my physics homework, it'll reach terminal velocity before impact. And a satellite of that size means...
- [Nightwing imitates an explosion]
- Batgirl: My insensitive boyfriend, everyone.
- Batwoman: We have to stop it. Robin, can we move to an intercept course?
- Robin: Yeah, I think so.
- Batwoman: Do it.
- Nightwing: Is that wise? I mean, won't the impact destroy anything in its path?
- Batwoman: Yes.
- Nightwing: Batwoman, you are so hardcore.
- Nightwing: [seeing Robin with the pieces of their vehicles] Uh, Robin, what are you doing?
- Robin: It's simple, really. Batwoman gave me the idea.
- Batwoman: I did?
- Robin: Yeah. Without our vehicles, we don't stand a chance against those O.M.A.Cs. They're designed as separate units that work as one. Which means...
- [they all give him blank looks; sighs]
- Robin: If we combine our vehicles into two giant vehicles, maybe we can level the playing field.
- Batwoman: Buildology 101. Clever.
- Nightwing: [slowly getting it] So, we're gonna make a big ship by using...
- [Batgirl pulls him along]
- Killer Croc: [encountering Batwoman] So, Batman decided to send a girl to do a man's job?
- Batwoman: No. He wanted it done right. So he sent a woman.
- Two-Face: [after pushing Bruce over the edge] That was cold, even for you, Harvey.
- Harvey Dent: I learned from the best.
- Red Hood: Well, well, well, looks like the Bat family got my invitations. It's been too long.
- Nightwing: Uh, do we know this guy?
- Red Hood: Aw, come on, Richard. You haven't figured it out yet? You will. What about you, Babs? Katherine? Bruce? And you, the new Robin. Ridiculous.
- Batgirl: He knows our secret identities. I don't like the looks of this.