I can only assume this was an early Austrian porno film, as I cannot seem much purpose to it otherwise. However, as porn goes, it ain't much to look at, though apparently it caused enough of an uproar that the government seized the film...which makes you wonder how this copy still exists.
The story, such as it is, has women coming into a room of men (some of which are in military uniforms) and their height and various measurements are taken. Some of the women take off their tops and expose their breasts, several do not (IMDB says only one...but several don't). Then, after all but one leaves the room, an officer makes the moves on one who has been ordered to remain behind.
I have no idea what the purpose of this was other than to appeal to guys wanting to see some skin in a local theater. I also can see no purpose for men measuring women this way...and the plot seems bizarre and contrived to say the least. A truly strange and not especially sexy movie short.