Nina Siemaszko credited as playing...
Dr. Emerson
- Dr. Emerson: [Dr. Emerson steps into the garden room]
- Molly Hartley: Oh, Dr. Emerson. You got my message.
- Dr. Emerson: Message?
- Dr. Emerson: I-I called you. I left you a message.
- Dr. Emerson: No. No message.
- Molly Hartley: Then... what are you... doing here?
- Dr. Emerson: Well, it's your birthday party. Of course I here. Just a few more minutes now. So how does it feel?
- Molly Hartley: How does 'what' feel?
- [the whispers start]
- Dr. Emerson: Your new life... We're all here for you, Molly. We've watched you grow. We've chosen 'you'.
- Molly Hartley: No!
- Dr. Emerson: No?
- Molly Hartley: [turns to Joseph] You knew all along? You lied to me? You promised to help me!
- Dr. Emerson: He is helping you. We're all helping you. You're the 'one', Molly. Don't you know how lucky you are?
- Molly Hartley: [in disbelief] Lucky?
- Dr. Emerson: You'll have power like no one before you.
- Molly Hartley: I didn't choose 'this'!
- Dr. Emerson: Your mother and father made that choice for you.
- Molly Hartley: They did it to save my life. That is not a choice!
- Dr. Emerson: Of course it is. But human weakness has it's consequences. It always has.
- [Robert, Molly's father, badly beaten, is dragged into the room; Molly becomes horrified]
- Molly Hartley: [gasps] D-Daddy!
- Robert Hartley: I'm so sorry, Molly. I didn't-I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
- Robert Hartley: I didn't believe.
- Dr. Emerson: We gave you exactly what you wanted.
- Robert Hartley: Then take me! It was my mistake. Take me!
- Molly Hartley: [kneel down and prays for her sins] God, forgive me. I-I have sinned. I renounce Satan and all of his...
- Dr. Emerson: [cuts Molly off] What can God offer you? We've given you everything, you very life. And now you have great power ahead of you.
- Molly Hartley: I don't want it!
- Dr. Emerson: You will.
- Molly Hartley: God always gives us a choice.
- Dr. Emerson: Is that what you think? God gives you a choice? Your parents determined your fate. They turned their back on God. They made a pact.
- [Dr. Emerson sets the carving knife down in front of Molly]
- Dr. Emerson: Maybe if you kill your father, the pact will be dissolved.
- Molly Hartley: What?
- Dr. Emerson: Of course, I can't offer that choice. But... maybe God can.
- Dr. Emerson: [from trailer]
- Dr. Emerson: You have great power ahead of you.
- Molly Hartley: I don't want it.
- Dr. Emerson: But you will.
- Molly Hartley: I don't need to be here.
- Dr. Emerson: [opening a file] Heard you had a panic attack in class today. You wanna tell me about it?
- Molly Hartley: It was just a nose bleed. Just got freaked out by all the blood, that's all.
- Dr. Emerson: Must be hard being new at school, even under the best of circumstances.
- Dr. Emerson: Your mother stabbed you in the chest with a pair of scissors. There was no sign of mental illness... no warning.
- Molly Hartley: I don't remember, okay? Everyone keeps asking me what happened and I don't remember!
- Dr. Emerson: [to Molly] We're going to keep an eye on you. We're not going to let anything happen to you.