I've seen a 1983 British version of "Fanny Hill," which was enjoyable in a slap and tickle sort of way. This recent opus is probably a more "serious" treatment, with much less explicit sex than the 1980s film. The young woman playing Fanny here was very attractive, and this adaptation does, I believe, stick to the novel's premise in that Fanny does not make any real apologies for her past. It was circumstances that got her into prostitution, but she basically chose to stay there until it was possible for her to leave it. The film does comment on the double-standard of that era (and ours still) in that Mr. H. finds what Fanny does to be dishonest while willingly entering brothels himself. Yet some of the males, especially that terminally-ill young man who wants to pass his last days with Fanny and her co-workers, are sympathetic. Anyway, the costumes were good, period atmosphere authentic, and leading actress lovely (including brief nudity)and entertaining.