In the Cartoon World, the animation (including the characters) is outlined in black. In the real world, the animation is realistic.
Was originally slated to be released in theaters for October 2007.
In the breakfast scene in the real world, the kids are watching The Reef (2006) via a DVD release. The Reef (or "Sharkbait" in the UK), the previous production, has just finished by Digiart Animation Studios before the production of this movie has started.
The setting for the real world in Indianapolis, Indiana, but the name of the city is not heard.
While the Garfield characters is here, this animated trilogy has all the other characters being as original. In this movie, two characters from two different comic strips is exclusively used: Dagwood from the "Blondie" comic strip series and Grimmy from the "Mother Goose & Grimm" comic strip series.