Young girl 'innocently' ends up playing look-out while her boyfriend and his psychotic brother rob the jewelry store where the girl's mom works; after an employee is shot and killed, the girl feels the shame of guilt at being involved, but obstinately shuns her caring mother (who acts like this is abnormal behavior for a teenage girl!). The kind of hopeless, hapless TV-movie wherein everybody on-camera has been cast in the hopes of reminding viewers of somebody else. Nina Dobrev looks a lot like Vanessa Hudgens or a younger Katie Holmes, Steve Byers looks like a blond Keanu Reeves (and has apparently studied Reeves' patented tics), while Catherine Mary Stewart could be filling in for Hillary Swank. Product such as this is ground out for bored couch-potatoes, uninterested really in whether or not the picture is a good one as long as it keeps them awake. There's a sympathetic performance by likable Norman Mikeal Berketa (who looks a bit like Jeffrey Tambor), and the all's-well-that-ends-well conclusion is good for an unintentional laugh.