A comedy about life and what lies beyond, Never After tells the story of how a group of ghosts unexpectedly find themselves sharing their home with an assorted cast of living tenants. Following a period of debauchery, Percival Glanville Ormond, the sole heir to the family estate, has squandered all his inherited fortune and is literally at wits' end on what to do next. Destitute and out of options he makes his way to the last of his possessions: a stately but derelict summerhouse on a remote Island bathed by the southern Mediterranean sun. Weighing his options Percy soon realises his possibilities are slim, until in a moment of desperation, an idea ignites his fevered mind. Percy sets fire to the Palazzo in order to claim insurance money and start his life anew. However, a man dies in the fire. His name is Benjamin Cope and he is the series' narrator. Once Percy has collected the money from the insurance he goes on to build a block of apartments keeping the lavish penthouse for himself. The Lordling rents out the rest of the apartments to a colourful assortment of unsuspecting tenants drawn from all walks of life. Through a series of predicaments where one crisis follows another, the viewer watches the story of the two parties, the dead and the living, through their troubles, their love affairs and the perennial struggle to somehow coexist.