Quality, but hits the head in the wall of nothingness and dialouges written either with invisible link, or just some clean blank papers. Its a film about a woman and a man that makes rather stupid selfish descisions, being hesitant to eachother in their relationship till all solutions has been tried until the aversion against eachother becomes far too strong to rescue. So its a downspiral turn especially for the male part and this film tend to take this much too far and relentless.
Its the trivialities of life that makes love come easy, or to some, it strangles love completely. A desperate search to consider if your love is the right person to live with for the rest of your life gone to far and too long. So if youre in for a comedy its not in a common standard and all of it becomes like everyones marriage, loving you is a dirty job but somebodys got to do it.
I think the acting and the dialouges in the battlefield were mighty fine, its just the plotting and a little bit lack of spontanity from the direction that kills this curious male chat. The clarinett and fagotto inspired score marks the transitions very well, more score there aint. There are plenty wisdomewords and advice you may learn from and for once the actors of a british film speaks clear enough for a near deaf norwegian grumpy old man to watch without cc's. A tiny recommend, a sequel could be an exciting project, dont you think?