24 reviews
Here's what I saw: A man struggling to understand his anxiety. Someone who decides to go on a big spiritual journey and have it documented. Someone with money and a huge ego. So far, so good! But what a mix of advisors, including the annoying Russell Brand, whom I can't listen to, honestly. And in the end? I didn't get a sense that James found what he was looking for, beyond the affirmation that this might bring, and the opportunity to change his relationship with his father. As a student of Buddhism, I didn't learn anything new, but it did pique my interest in Ayahuasca tea. I would recommend this for anyone new to meditation and mindfulness, which is an essential part of our collective growth. And I wish James much success in catching something you can't chase. 🤗
- bryanabeecham
- Mar 19, 2021
- Permalink
I went to the premier knowing nothing of what the film was about... I left kinda blown away with how raw, and intimate it was. The lead guy opened up about his issues with living in a modern world, and travels to different parts of the world to learn from some of the leading edge teachers in the field of anxiety, natural medicine, etc. I learned so much from the film and really can't wait to see it again with people I care about. Everybody who sees this film will be moved! And the scenery and production was outstanding!
I strongly believe humanity is in dire need for a spiritual revolution, and Chasing the Present provides a perfect jumping off point for that! It is a breath of fresh air for a world that is so wired into the system, and provides us with refreshingly simple answers to our biggest challenges we face. The style of camera shots and music score are both breathtaking, and James is so relatable you can't help but feel like you're taking the journey with him. This is definitely a must watch for everyone. Besides having a ridiculous amount of amazing content, it's just such a well made documentary to cap it off!
- scottfergsf
- Oct 11, 2020
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Hey dude, I'll take you seriously when you do the same thing with no money.
- shoutatthesky
- Aug 18, 2021
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This film is so worth the investment, every time I watch it I take something new away from it.
In a fast paced life every now and then sitting and watching this recalibrate's me.
- jordangardiner-78567
- Sep 30, 2020
- Permalink
I really enjoyed this movie.
I found it interesting to watch someone be so vunerable with their desire to seek more information about anxiety and how possibly to conquer it. Find meaning and understanding of our existence here on earth.
I noticed the father was very uncomfortable and could not look his son in the eye. Seemed sad to me that James was sharing what he found to be a profound experience for himself with his father. But it seemed the father was very uncomfortable with it but he was trying hard especially with cameras to come off as listening and hearing his son . Just my opinion obviously... But maybe beyond his ability at this point to relate to James.
The film sparked great conversation with my boyfriend about our thoughts on the subject and movie.
We are all this journey to understand ourselves and experience life we really enjoyed it.
I found it interesting to watch someone be so vunerable with their desire to seek more information about anxiety and how possibly to conquer it. Find meaning and understanding of our existence here on earth.
I noticed the father was very uncomfortable and could not look his son in the eye. Seemed sad to me that James was sharing what he found to be a profound experience for himself with his father. But it seemed the father was very uncomfortable with it but he was trying hard especially with cameras to come off as listening and hearing his son . Just my opinion obviously... But maybe beyond his ability at this point to relate to James.
The film sparked great conversation with my boyfriend about our thoughts on the subject and movie.
We are all this journey to understand ourselves and experience life we really enjoyed it.
- christinealexag
- Jan 8, 2022
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...you surely saw and read it as it sricks out among all the fake ones.
Another "help guide" for brittle people with money to be scared of irrational things their shrink can't sort.
How about a documentary about a materially UNsuccessful human, riddled with anxiety embarking on a worldwide journey of self inquiry?
Another "help guide" for brittle people with money to be scared of irrational things their shrink can't sort.
How about a documentary about a materially UNsuccessful human, riddled with anxiety embarking on a worldwide journey of self inquiry?
- OneSentenceReview
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink
I watched this films a couple of times and every time there are new moments that connect and punch through to what I have felt, sometimes was afraid to admit and what I feel now.
It has moments that I have felt through out my live and seeing all these people describe it to you makes you realise that its not just your own self that creates these feelings and that you are not the only one out there.
Stepping away from the message, its a beautiful shot film, the soundtrack, editing and composition drives you along and makes you want to explore yourself and the message and off course continue watching.
I did find our host very intense, at times I just wanted to say to him, dam it man smile, give me a moment to stop analysing. At times I felt it was a bit too much, no breathing space. I guess as the film sais - everyone wants to be happy and I felt the film didn't give you much room to do that.
Not many times a film touches you so closely because you felt the words so closely in yourself.
What ever you take away from it, it will make you ask yourself questions ......
It has moments that I have felt through out my live and seeing all these people describe it to you makes you realise that its not just your own self that creates these feelings and that you are not the only one out there.
Stepping away from the message, its a beautiful shot film, the soundtrack, editing and composition drives you along and makes you want to explore yourself and the message and off course continue watching.
I did find our host very intense, at times I just wanted to say to him, dam it man smile, give me a moment to stop analysing. At times I felt it was a bit too much, no breathing space. I guess as the film sais - everyone wants to be happy and I felt the film didn't give you much room to do that.
Not many times a film touches you so closely because you felt the words so closely in yourself.
What ever you take away from it, it will make you ask yourself questions ......
- degtiarevigor
- Oct 2, 2020
- Permalink
A must-watch-documentary! So many points in there related to the modern society and to people these days... such a brave guy that was open enough to share his experiences while facing anxiety! Highly recommend it !!!
- mayaramandrade-10325
- Sep 30, 2020
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Not only is the film BEAUTIFULLY shot, it's filled with relevant insights and a compelling storyline as we follow the protagonist through a relatable journey of self exploration. Wonderful film to watch!
- ashton-53906
- Sep 30, 2020
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What a beautiful film. From the moment the film starts you are taken on a journey of discovery with so many incredible points of view, lessons and magic moments along the way. The cinematography is breathtaking. A much needed film In a world where so many people seem to be suffering with mental health. Another amazing independent film that deserves to be supported.
- sophiepowlesuk
- Sep 30, 2020
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The complexities of anxiety and where it comes from is so beautifully tackled by Mark Water's breathtaking eye for detail and intimacy. We go between the sprawling metropolis that is New York to the quiet, spiritual paces that James travels to as he seeks to gain inner knowledge about himself and his anxiety. The answer sitting sadly in the uncomfortable position of his father who clearly does not and cannot understand his son. It is a raw and honest look at life and how as much as spirituality and natural medicine can & does help us we still (as humans) need to be 'seen' by those we love.
- helen-86997
- Oct 20, 2020
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Beautiful to watch with a lasting impact. This documentary film is hopefully the beginning of a much needed trend for conscious consumption for viewers around the world. As the head of impact for tethr, a peer enabled mental health and wellbeing app, this is the type of movie that inspires us all to reflect and navigate the challenges of the present moment. A reminder we are not alone. Thank you for gifting this to the greater community- I will be recommending it to many people in the weeks to come.
- addisonbrasil
- Sep 30, 2020
- Permalink
Wow I loved this documentary. It hit right at the perfect moment for us I think. With lockdowns and restrictions, now is the time for us to investigate more about ourselves and finding our inner peace. I loved it. Must watch.
- deansmith7
- Sep 30, 2020
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We follow James on his journey of self-inquiry as he tries to understand and free himself of suffering. What surprised me about the film was how humble and authentic James's journey is. When films like this can seem either narrow minded or self-righteous, this one is neither. A refreshing look at a very likable and real man's journey to understand life. Plus the guests provided great insight, and it is speckled with some beautiful shots of nature!
- chris-jakobsen
- Oct 5, 2020
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This documentary is brave and a gift to society. In sharing his vulnerabilities with the world, James shows people struggling with anxiety or other similar issues that they are not alone and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's a documentary that broaches a subject not enough talked about and opens a window into how one can begin to take steps to help themselves heal. This documentary should be compulsory viewing material for everyone.
Blown away by James' willingness to open up about his struggle with anxiety. The story touches on a widespread topic which that I feel most people can connect with; Jame's blueprint will become a reference point for others.
The cinematography ties together so well and helps the viewer connect on a very intimate level.
The cinematography ties together so well and helps the viewer connect on a very intimate level.
- myblondemoustache
- Oct 4, 2020
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Having a hard time with anxiety myself, having panic attacks, and just a general state of depression, I really related to this film. I loved seeing all the different perspectives from all the professors, doctors, the guru and everyone involved. I think it's important to find inner peace and this movie really shows how to do that in my opinion. I enjoyed it from start to finish.
- spiceyrice
- Oct 19, 2020
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This documentary is incredible. So pertinent for the times we live in, original in content and beautifully shot and edited. Really worth a watch- it stayed with me for quite some time after! I haven't seen another film quite like it.
- alicia-ambrosebayly
- Oct 17, 2020
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Loved the topics covered phycology and spirituality. Beautiful shots, interesting cast. Great watch!
- carlikolber
- Sep 30, 2020
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I've always had an interest in self-enquiry but I was truly blown away by this! I found the concepts to be subtly challenging to my previous belief systems and I literally developed throughout the course of the film. I can't stop thinking about it, I will use these messages and concepts for the rest of my life. Truly inspiring!
- aqualitygoods
- Oct 18, 2020
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Beautifully produced and shot with relatable problems and a simple, clear solution: Being in the present and surrendering to the flow of life. Told from multiple perspectives but all of them clear, articulate and engaging.
I found this to be incredibly valuable and enjoyable to watch.
I found this to be incredibly valuable and enjoyable to watch.
From the relatable story of a man grappling with anxiety, to the gorgeous scapes and cinematography, this film is captivating from intro to credits. Really intriguing and knowledgeable sources featured in the film, too. Can't wait to watch it again. Must see.
- amandasebastiano
- Oct 19, 2020
- Permalink
Great documentary! I loved the whole concept and production of the documentary. Watching it Made me realize things about myself.
this documentary reminds you what it is that we all really want in the core of our hearts and how to get there. I loved it. Thank you for this great piece of work!