Torkel Petersson credited as playing...
Sven Skoogh
- Sven Skoogh: Shouldn't you get some sleep?
- Patrik Eriksson: So you'll get a chance to rape me?
- Sven Skoogh: Maybe you can't sleep.
- Patrik Eriksson: Try anything and I'll get you.
- Sven Skoogh: You talk tough but you're so scared you can't even sleep.
- Patrik Eriksson: You know, I kicked a homo in the face once. He was on the ground, bleeding, and I laughed my fucking head off.
- [Patrik is leaving to stay with his new family]
- Sven Skoogh: [to Patrik, who is wearing jeans and a t-shirt] Is that what you're wearing? You can't meet a civil engineer looking like that.
- Sven Skoogh: [reading] "Patrik, 1,5..." Don't you say one and a half? "Patrik, 1,5 needs a new family. He has a troubled background..."
- Göran Skoogh: [taking the letter and reading] He has a troubled background and needs love and a stable environment. If you choose to accept, he can come at the end of the month."