I remember watching this when I was a little kid. I used to watch it all the time. It is my #1 childhood TV show! My favorite character was fox, because she hot. It's quiet weird to say that a cartoon character is hot, but I looked up that a lot of people agree with me that fox is hot. What annoys me that she wasn't in a lot of episodes as a main character. It upsets me that this show got cancelled, but you can find them on YouTube, but not all of the episodes are on YouTube. All of them are on vbox7, which is the shittyer version of YouTube. This show takes back memory's and I'll remember it for along time! I really wish that they would put it back on the air, and start making new episodes. All of the cartoon shows were good, until the 2010 shows got on the air. Those shows are the worst! They have no back round story to them, and they all make no sense, except skunk fu!