A series that follows the dramatic lives of an esports team doesn't, on the surface, seem to hold much promise, at least to Western audiences whose interest in the esports field lags behind that of global audiences. But this show is unexpectedly entertaining and charming. The three story arcs help propel the story, each driven by the force of personality that is the lead actor, Wang Yibo. This show features the Gary Stu trope (everything revolves around the male lead) but that serves the story well since Wang himself oozes as much charisma as his character is meant to. It's quite believable that the story would unfold the way it does because of him. It's a role that could easily be over-acted, but he holds the reins tightly and delivers an appropriate performance for the material. He's supported by a decently strong cast, with no distracting weak spots. Whether you're interested in esports or not, Gank Your Heart is a more than serviceable romance and character drama that will put a smile on your face and make you sigh with satisfaction at the end.