Proof that a big name brings in the viewers, if you judge the success of an episode by viewing figures alone then this is the ultimate nu who adventure, a whopping 13 million of us tuned in, compare that with the exact 5 million less that tuned in for 2014's Last Christmas.
But is it any good?
I couldn't help but smile by seeing KYLIE MINOGUE in the opening credits, I must admit in my teen years I was fan, but that was a little while back.
To start with the incredulity of Last of the Timelords was immense, and it kind of carried on here, with the Titanic bursting through the TARDIS, we'd been led to believe that was an impossibility.
In brief, once on board the Titanic, the Doctor befriends Astrid Peth, and takes her on a trip to Earth. A party is ongoing, with the planets rich, sulky sailors and a Captain up to something. Disaster strikes and mayhem erupts.
The title itself is one of my favourite in the show's history, it's so big and dramatic, perfect for Christmas day.
It's really all about Kylie though isn't it, she accounted for a few million people tuning in, and largely she doesn't fail, she's got one episode to impress some pretty cynical fans. She does rather a good job, there's not enough time for major emotional connection between her and the Doctor, but she's truly likable and the ending leaves a lump in the throat and a tear in the eye.
For me the genius piece of casting was Bernard Cribbins, the man is instantly lovable, and he'd continue to be a joy in Series 4.
Slight Robots of Death feel to it, which is no bad thing, but they're a bit irritating, bit over the top.
70 minutes was a big deal, an extra 10 minutes allowed for more Bailey's and more Ferrero Rochers, a bit of an annual ritual, piece, dr who and the aforementioned goodies.
It's big and garish, but fun and a bit camp, it's not what i'd like throughout the main series, but I'm loathed to say it works well for the annual seasonal special, is it any wonder the viewing figures have fallen, they've gone a wee bit serious.
Dazzling effects detract from a wee bit of padding, but there are plenty of surprises in store. The Palace scenes are comic gold. It has a fairly hefty death count.
Overall 8/10