Tony Bingham credited as playing...
Tighe 'Ty' MacArthur
- Tighe 'Ty' MacArthur: So you need to give this guy money, or...
- Margot Hutton: Or he'll call the cops and report me for killing his girlfriend.
- Tighe 'Ty' MacArthur: Right. Report you to the cops for killing his girlfriend. That's, that's rich.
- Margot Hutton: Money can buy a lot of things Ty.
- Tighe 'Ty' MacArthur: Especially yours.
- Liam: See ya, sweet tits.
- Margot Hutton: I should have killed him when I had the chance.
- Tighe 'Ty' MacArthur: God Margot, Listen to yourself! You don't want to mess with a guy like that. Believe me. He stole my car, he killed those two people in Fairmont, and I was arrested, interrogated and beat down because of it. We need to pay him off, so that we can get our lives back.
- Margot Hutton: You're right...
- Tighe 'Ty' MacArthur: Look let's just try to relax... stay calm. I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself here. I'm gonna go play some pinball.