A promising debut from first-time filmmaker Jack Littman, RUMBLE STRIP is a stripped-down thrill ride that sends a former mercenary on a desperate race to rescue his kidnapped lover. Set in an eerie, toxic future, our ex-merc and his gal wander a rusty, paved-over America which grows more landlocked each day as the water disappears. Here, one pedals refurbished wheels to try and save the day. Earnest and engaging lead Jack Littman (who wrote, directed, and scored the film) carries the story capably, evoking bruised innocence, grit, and courage. He gets accomplished support from graceful newcomer Autumn Randolph as his missing girlfriend, Gregory Littman (THE LONELY ONE) as a cold-blooded CEO who trafficks the world's dwindling H2O to the highest bidder, and Anna Khaja (THE GOOD PLACE, MADAME SECRETARY) as the CEO's right hand--she has her hands full forestalling the next major earthquake. If you like indie thrillers, this one is worth your time. Be sure to hydrate well before watching.