Sofia Vassilieva credited as playing...
Kate Fitzgerald
- Kate Fitzgerald: This is it. I know I'm going to die now. I suppose I've always known that. I just never knew when. And I'm okay with it. Really. I don't mind my disease killing me. But it's killing my family, too.
- Kate Fitzgerald: Want to hear our routine?
- Sara Fitzgerald: What routine?
- Andromeda 'Anna' Fitzgerald: [lowers voice, imitating a male] Hey baby, what's your sign?
- Kate Fitzgerald: Cancer.
- Andromeda 'Anna' Fitzgerald: You're a cancer?
- Kate Fitzgerald: No, I'm a Leo.
- Andromeda 'Anna' Fitzgerald, Kate Fitzgerald: But I have cancer.
- Taylor Ambrose: [Saying jokingly, holding Kate] I bet you'll lose your cookies within three minutes
- Kate Fitzgerald: [Not amused] You're disgusting.