24 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 100VarietyJay WeissbergVarietyJay WeissbergThis is truly a documentary for our times, deserving of widespread exposure.
- 100Chicago TribuneKatie WalshChicago TribuneKatie WalshGripping, incisive and shockingly powerful, Collective is easily the documentary of the year.
- 100San Francisco ChronicleG. Allen JohnsonSan Francisco ChronicleG. Allen JohnsonA fascinating documentary that seems to unfold over real time.
- 91The Film StageVikram MurthiThe Film StageVikram MurthiCollective sports a procedural-like pace that keeps the information legible and the action linear.
- 91The A.V. ClubNoel MurrayThe A.V. ClubNoel MurrayIt’s a taut, intense procedural, with a resonant story that simultaneously follows a journalistic investigation and an attempt to fix a fatally dysfunctional medical bureaucracy—all while criminal organizations, corrupt politicians, and rabble-rousing television hosts work in concert to stymie any real reform.
- 90The Hollywood ReporterDeborah YoungThe Hollywood ReporterDeborah YoungIn Collective, Nanau's observational style of filmmaking reaches emotional depths.
- 88Slant MagazineDiego SemereneSlant MagazineDiego SemereneThe film reminds us that without investigative reporting there’s no democracy, and that traditional expectations around impartiality and objectivity may be untenable in the face of horror.
- 80Screen DailyJonathan RomneyScreen DailyJonathan RomneyIn its narrative tautness, this documentary can hold its own alongside the best of Romania’s contemporary fiction.
- 75Movie NationRoger MooreMovie NationRoger MooreThere’s deja vu in watching Tolontan deal with Romanian TV, which eagerly follows his team’s reporting each night, but which cannot resist from shooting at the messenger when he appears on their talk shows, losing the thread and forgetting the real victims here.
- 75The Globe and Mail (Toronto)Barry HertzThe Globe and Mail (Toronto)Barry HertzRarely, though, has cinema been so devoted to idealizing the importance of journalism than in Collective.