- 10 must see films [RADHEYAN SIMONPILLAI]
- 40 must see movies at TIFF[Jason Gorber]
- Adorocinema [Francisco Russo]
- Asian Movie Pulse [Rouven Linnarz]
- carmattos.com [Carlos Alberto Mattos] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cenas de Cinema [Francisco Carbone]
- Portuguese
- Cinema Axis [Mischa Jackson]
- Cinema Axis [MISCHA JACKSON]
- cinema scope [MICHAEL SCOULAR]
- Cinemagazine [Dutch]
- clevelandfilm
- De Protagonisten
- Dutch
- Dismantles A Family Unit In Mahnaz Mohammadi's Heartbreaking Debut
- Dispatch: Women Making Film at Toronto 2019
- Divided: Son - Mother
- Drama about a mother and her son as well as a terrible decision they have to face
- Elevator Pitch: A Separation meets The 400 Blows
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Jennie Kermode]
- film-rezensionen.de [Rouven Linnarz]
- German
- FilmTotaal [Frank Stol]
- Dutch
- High On Films [Nafees Ahmed]
- Humbug Magazine [Chantal Moens]
- Dutch
- It is not possible to find a flaw in even the smallest detail.
- It's a true discovery, birthed from struggle and passion.
- Neo Film Blog [Andrew Chan]
- Places to Fly Away From
- Sinema Manyaklari [Hasan Nadir Derin]
- Turkish
- single mother of two is offered a heartbreaking choice in this graceful, understated work
- Son-mother
- Son-mother
- Son-Mother: depicts the suffering of voiceless against the poor economy
- Son-Mother; depicts the suffering of voiceless against the poor economy
- The film is about the oppression of women in Iran today.
- the globe Critics review [The Globe]
- The hidden gems from Tiff
- The Hollywood reporter [Deborah Young]
- the painful choice of a struggling mother
- the projection room [Shaswata Ray]
- TIFF 2019 interview [Siân Melton]
- Toronto film Festival entry [LEO BARRACLOUGH]
- una storia straziante, dolorosa, terribile sull'Iran di oggi
- Uunforgettable Acting: Mahan Nasiri, Maryam Boubani
- viva most [VÉRONIQUE]
- zimbo [ZIMBO]
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