104 reviews
This isn't something I go out of my way to watch. Sometimes it's on the living room TV, but it's used as background noise. I might happen to be sitting there. I don't see where she's fake. I think her energetic and goofy behavior is real. Anybody who was born mega rich and never experienced difficulty becoming successful, it's no surprise if they're a chucklehead. She does seem friendly, but like many talk shows, it's not thought-provoking. In reference to the viewers who don't like it, I do see what they mean by the celebrity worshipping. The episode I was watching, she was interviewing Lucy Liu. I know they were in a movie together (Charlie's Angels) and they're best friends, but the way she was talking to her with such unwavering, intense focus - she had her legs crossed, sitting on the edge of the seat, leaning forward - it was kind of weird. No one talks to a person by leaning in super close, and if they do, they're strange. They're in the same category as the folks who spit on you mid-conversation and don't even notice. Unless you're a fan, there's no point in watching, because you can expect her to get on your nerves. I worked with people who were hyper and chatty like she is. They were annoying to be around, even more so early in the morning. The only difference is, my coworkers weren't actually nice people. She's only bearable because she's kindhearted, but otherwise, I can live without this show. Talk programs focus on topics that are boring and don't matter in the scheme of things.
- tiffanie_says_stay_in_your_lane
- Mar 23, 2023
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This is about the worst talk show I have seen on television. Her energy is not appealing but a sort of annoying manic energy. The interview portions of the show are not bad but the rest of the show is unwatchable. Her crazy ramblings and swooning over other actors is just too much! Where is Bonnie Hunt or Rosie when we could really use them. And I just can't with Ross Matthews, who is a total embarrassment- such a stereotype. Why is he there? There are gay men who don't come off like screaming queens. He is awful. Cancel this mess.
- cockezville
- Sep 18, 2020
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She is so awkward as a talk show host that I actually feel awkward and uncomfortable watching her. Its not funny or entertaining.
As much as I love Drew and her movies / TV shows, being a talk show host is not for her. Sadly this show won't last. Its almost as awkward as Busy Phillips talk show.
- AdrienneGrayceMusic
- Sep 28, 2020
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Horrible! Just absolutely horrible. Drew needs to stick to acting because this show was so staged. I wish she'd have been real and not so fake.
- kgiera2004
- Sep 16, 2020
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Geez, and I thought Kelly Clarkson's show was bad...
The super-annoying commercials aired prior to the show's debut were a dead giveaway as to just how godawful this was going to be. I've tried to watch it a few times, but can barely stand five minutes of it. It's bad enough Drew loves talking about herself incessantly (which is NOT a good trait for a talk show host), but on top of that for some reason her guests feel inclined to ooze praise for her during the interviews (if you can call them that). Then douse it all with "women empowerment" and a "HEY, LOOK AT ME!" mentality and what you end up with is another sixty minutes of mindless daytime TV crap.
It's basically the 2020 version of The Sammy Maudlin Show (if you're not familiar with it, look it up...let's just say it's not a compliment).
The super-annoying commercials aired prior to the show's debut were a dead giveaway as to just how godawful this was going to be. I've tried to watch it a few times, but can barely stand five minutes of it. It's bad enough Drew loves talking about herself incessantly (which is NOT a good trait for a talk show host), but on top of that for some reason her guests feel inclined to ooze praise for her during the interviews (if you can call them that). Then douse it all with "women empowerment" and a "HEY, LOOK AT ME!" mentality and what you end up with is another sixty minutes of mindless daytime TV crap.
It's basically the 2020 version of The Sammy Maudlin Show (if you're not familiar with it, look it up...let's just say it's not a compliment).
- khorda-16186
- Sep 17, 2020
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I catch the show from time to time, however, it gets painful to watch as she touches, hugs, kisses, and crawls on her guests laps. It's so painful and uncomfortable not only to watch, but it's plain to see the discomfort the guests experience. Not sure what the issue is with her, as I've seen Drew on her knees in front of guests. It's not pleasant to watch. Sorry, bc I like Drew, but cringe during her guest interviews. At that point I have to change the channel. Surprised that they are renewing another season. In any event I wish her well. Maybe some like to watch that kind of behavior, but certainly not me, or my family.
- warricksandy
- May 12, 2024
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I absolutely love Drew Barrymore, she is probably my favorite celebrity. I've really enjoyed the show, and do think with time it can only get better. I do think it has room for improvement, as well it's a new show,. It's expected. All I kept thinking was she is so cute and it definitely made me smile which is what a talk show is supposed to do. She has a talk show come out during the pandemic without a live audience and still pulled it off. Kudos all around . She was personable and friendly and we all feel at home with her. My only suggestion is maybe not be so happy, but is that really a criticism? I enjoyed it and you rock girl!
- sjllancaster
- Sep 23, 2020
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Drew is not meant to host a talk show. Most all of these reviews are accurate. She makes us at home watching feel awkward and uncomfortable. I can't imagine how her guests feel after being interviewed by her. She gives off insecure, nervous, not genuine, weird and silly energy. It's just not her calling. I don't see how she could possibly improve enough to keep this on the air. Please replace her! Sorry, Drew. Please make another movie instead.
- Tayyasqueen
- Dec 16, 2021
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Wow. I'm not saying she is going to win awards but I will say that I watched the first three episodes and cried happy tears during each one. Happy tears these days, in this effed up world, are welcome to me! She definitely has feel good moments and her heart is in the right place.
Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's okay but bashing her isn't the answer. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a talk show where you can pretty much plan it from start to finish yourself?? And, if you had it, would you get it perfect right away? Probably not. She is unapologetically herself and for that I give her kudos. Manic? That's sort of her. She is and has always been high energy. If it's not for you, don't watch. But if you're looking for an hour where you can feel good about life and not have to hear the horrors and negativity of this world, maybe this is the place for you.
Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's okay but bashing her isn't the answer. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a talk show where you can pretty much plan it from start to finish yourself?? And, if you had it, would you get it perfect right away? Probably not. She is unapologetically herself and for that I give her kudos. Manic? That's sort of her. She is and has always been high energy. If it's not for you, don't watch. But if you're looking for an hour where you can feel good about life and not have to hear the horrors and negativity of this world, maybe this is the place for you.
Everybody loves Drew as Drew. OK, I feel like she is talking to kindergarten kids and is over perky.
I wish she would 1. calm down
2. Have more interesting topics and 3. Don't make your show about you having reunions
After 2 weeks of Drew openings I now switching channels which is sad because I watch everything Drew is in.
It's a scab show and anyone who works on it should feel bad until the strikes are done. I used to be a fan of Drew Barrymore until she decided that she was more important than everyone else in this industry and that she was more important toy the show than the script was. I can't fathom the writers for the show having Stockholm syndrome saying "well she's just doing what she has to." It's appalling that they feel that way about their employer who doesn't care about them or the rest of the crew. I wouldn't touch drew with a 10 foot pole and I wouldn't watch the show after the horrific acts of workers' injustice.
- beastlyman-89011
- Sep 13, 2023
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I love how Drew has been herself since the 90s. She made me feel like its ok to be me growing up. I am ecstatic that she is back on tv with this show gracing us with her optimistic disposition. I love her empowerment pieces this is a needed show
Finally after so many years American sweetheart and movie star Drew Barrymore finally has her own talk show! From watching Drew she has well known guests mostly famous and many movie stars and she features segments and has reports on ordinary and everyday people. And she follows current headlines and she has funny little skits with even updates on sports also her cooking advice and segments on how to make new dishes in the kitchen is funny. Plus Drew always delivers with a bright smile and her energy seems fun really this is one of the better and new talk shows I hope it sticks and stays around!
The energy she has is crazy and whoever thought she should have a talk show is crazy too...it is so bad.
- phyllisjsykes
- Sep 17, 2020
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- theiridescentunicorn
- Sep 7, 2021
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This show is so fake and scripted it's sick. Every time I turn it on Drew is either crying about something that isn't even affecting her, or she's happy go (fake) lucky in some Polly Anna universe. I can't believe the world watches and promotes shows like this. The fake smiles and over joyous cheers from Drew in EVERY show is just nauseating. How can people actually watch this show on a regular basis and believe that it's real? I'll give Drew this, she's a great actress to pull of the facade she puts on. It's really sad that the television world has come to this. I'd rather eat some bad fish. That's my opinion.
- QuackQuack
- May 15, 2024
- Permalink
OMG 😁 Drew is a ray of sunshine in on a quarantined gloomy day. I can't help but smile everytime I see her. She delivers doses of fun facts to brighten my day. I needed her show.
- sturnermail
- Sep 28, 2020
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I like Drew as an actress she was great on boys on the side and 51st dates. But as a talk show host she is very needy all over all of her guests like she's constantly touching them. She is a very clingy. She's not entertaining I watch it every so often for like 2 minutes to see if I got better and it doesn't get better. I do think she needs to not do a talk show I get that she probably saw everybody doing talk show and how Kelly Clarkson did it and everyone else and she wanted to join in on it. But Kelly Clarkson understands boundaries she's also entertaining musically and she's hilarious. So some people are not meant to do talk shows Drew Barrymore is one of them. Like I'm really shocked that people watch her.
- byrnes-85955
- Jan 17, 2024
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Okay lets start by saying i am a daytime tv junkie and i must say i am adoring the show so far drew herself is beautiful and hilarious i cant wait to see what comes next for the show and the guest i laugh out loud and smile and drews news is absolute hilarity i highly recommend it
- chrisdye-17493
- Sep 19, 2020
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I mean c'mon, we knew what we were getting when we sat down to tune in. Drew has never been the serious type. All the reviews bashing her for being too happy, obnoxious, loud, and constant is Drew. Do any of you watch her movies? How many are comedies vs drama? She's just trying to have fun. The world is watching, she wants young girls to be empowered. Not too many role models filling that position today, is there? KarTRASHians? Yeah, they RUINED the last 13 years. Drew is here to fix that! I gave it 7 stars because the overly fawning on her guest is too much. Yes, I agree w/ some critics on that. Basically if you go in w/ the mindset she'll be the next Oprah then yes, you'll be disappointed. She's trying something different, all the way to the end of the spectrum. I'm going to keep giving it a chance. I hope you do, too.
- Kathleenann1977
- Sep 24, 2020
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I love Drew, but she needs to stick to acting. The whole thing is just too much. She comes across as very insincere and completely fake.
- reneeharrell-36669
- Sep 23, 2020
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I love the Drew Barrymore show !! I do not normally watch talk shows, but have always appreciated Drew and her totally positive, upbeat, funny and open lifestyle. So, when I heard she was starting a talk show September 14th, I was intrigued !! She has a great on air presence, is very well spoken, and engages her audience so well !! Love her variety of topics and can actually learn from Drew and her guests !!! I never let the TV run my life, but am always ready to watch Drew ! Thanks to Drew and her innovative ideas, I have a fun and informative morning !!
- janieoutdoors
- Sep 21, 2020
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Drew Barymore always comes across as being lovely, and this chat show is an interesting career side-step for her.
I don't understand all the bad reviews, I think she does a nice job here and the format works for her.
She's quite brave about what she talks about/who she has on too, which is to her credit.
I don't understand all the bad reviews, I think she does a nice job here and the format works for her.
She's quite brave about what she talks about/who she has on too, which is to her credit.
Drew's team hired a bunch of hacks/staffers to rave about her manic energy. The show stinks, has no good/new ideas and all filler, even going so far as to discuss astrology as if it were still 1964. Drew jumps around the set like a rabid animal (one time she literally howled at the moon!) and she uses crazy gyrations and insane movements as a means for non-existent excitement and entertainment. She has gone insane, methinks. And all the rave reviews you read here are by Drew herself or some other phony baloney. They are all one paragraph, run-on sentences with no punctuation and poor sentence structure, as if written by a young ignorant child. Read the first week's worth of "reviews" here and see how desperate the show must be to cheat and mislead the would-be viewer. Bah.
I like Drew Barrymore. I was looking forward to her talk show. I can't believe how bad it is. I had to force myself to watch a whole show. I tried again the next day but could not stand it. I had to stop watching. Her ramblings and fake energy are really bad.
- mdeimert-96965
- Sep 20, 2020
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