Sam Heughan credited as playing...
Ashton Prince of Castlebury
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Jules... I know we don't have hot wings or hockey in Castlebury, but we do have crumpets and cricket. Is it possible that you, Milo, and Maddie would consider extending your stay here at Castlebury Hall?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: [watching them] Beautiful gown Jules is wearing.
- Floyd: Oh, yes, sir.
- Abigail: Yes, sir.
- Mrs. Birch: Lovely.
- Paisley Winterbottom: Excellent taste.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Mm, I wonder where she obtained it. I suppose if you wish to be reimbursed, you should produce a receipt for me by morning.
- Jules Daly: Where did all these presents come from? Edward, you're amazing.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: No, my dear, you're the one that's amazing.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [seeing his look] What is it, Father?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: I just wish Charles... I wish he were here.
- Jules Daly: But he is. Can't you see him in the joy of Milo's eyes, and the sparkle of Maddie's smile? Charles is here. And so is my sister.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: You're so right, my dear. Ashton, this is a very, very wise girl. We should not be lamenting what we have lost, rather celebrating what we have found.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Arabella, do you think we're right for each other?
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: What a silly question. We're perfect for each other. Everyone says so. Even our parents think we're an ideal match.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: But what if I didn't hold a title?
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Don't be ridiculous, darling.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Oh. You didn't answer my question.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Well, it's a stupid question.
- [seeing his look]
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Uh, all right. if you were... a gardener, I wouldn't give you the time of day. There. Is that what you wanted to hear?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Why?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: 'Cause it's the truth. We don't want the same things. My life doesn't fit with yours.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Are you... are you breaking up with me? No. No, no. Of course you're not. Everyone's expecting us to be engaged.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: The thing is... I-I'm not sure I can really make you happy.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Well, I don't care about being happy. I care about being a princess!
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: It's over, Arabella.
- Jules Daly: I was looking around the castle and I couldn't find your Christmas tree.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Because there isn't one.
- Jules Daly: Why not?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: I don't like them. They're messy, dirty things that drip sticky sap all over the mahogany.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Father.
- Jules Daly: But they make children happy.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: I don't want one.
- Jules Daly: Then could you please tell me what you *do* want?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I don't think he knows.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Oh, yes, I do.
- Jules Daly: I want to know why I brought these kids here if it wasn't to give them a merry Christmas. And I'm not talking about some creepy wannabe holiday in a clammy castle where everybody's walking around like "Dawn of the Living Dead." I'm talking about a holly, jolly Christmas with bells and bows and a big, fat, messy, sappy Christmas tree, with twinkling lights so Santa knows where the heck we are. These kids have had a really tough year.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: So have we.
- Jules Daly: Then we all deserve a merry Christmas, don't you think?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [she leaves] You might reconsider the tree situation.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: I will not. And if you don't like it here, you can go back to Geneva. I don't even know why you bothered coming home in the first place.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Because I'm your son. Maybe not your favorite one, but your only living one.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: What is this?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: It's a Christmas tree, Father.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: I can see that. I'm not a bloody idiot. Where did it come from?
- Jules Daly: I bought it.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: I expressly told you I do not want...
- Maddie Huntington: [giving an ornament to him] Here, Grandfather. We saved the prettiest one for you. Ashton said it's your favorite.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Oh, he did, did he?
- Maddie Huntington: Do you remember it?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Yes, I remember it. My elder brother and I were... were each given one at Christmas, and... I broke mine. Oh, how I cried. He gave me his. I thought it was lost forever.
- Jules Daly: Well, there's a special place for it right over here.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Thank you, Jules. It is a... lovely tree.
- Jules Daly: You're welcome. But it really was a team effort. Come on, Edward. There's still plenty of tree left to decorate.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Oh, the staff can take care of that.
- Jules Daly: Oh, no. It's one of the best parts about Christmas, the family all decorating the tree together.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Come and join us, Father.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: You're right, my dear.
- Jules Daly: Hello, my prince.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Hello, my princess.
- Jules Daly: Sounds like we're in line for a throne somewhere.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Well, as a matter of fact, we are.
- Jules Daly: No. Really?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [kissing] Drive on.
- Paisley Winterbottom: [narrating as their carriage pulls away] It is true not all tales have happy endings. But then, for Jules Daly, the dreamer from Buffalo, the story is just beginning.
- Jules Daly: [leaving the Christmas Ball] You should go back in. I'm sure they're looking for you. I'll just hang right here.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Then... I'll hang with you. If that's all right.
- Jules Daly: Okay.
- [he kisses her]
- Jules Daly: What about Arabella?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: It's over.
- Jules Daly: What happened?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: You absconded with my heart.
- Jules Daly: How did I do that? You're the Prince of Castlebury. I'm just a poor girl from Buffalo.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Exactly.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Enjoying yourself?
- Jules Daly: Oh. Um... I was just admiring your urn.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I see.
- Jules Daly: Well, you know me and antiques. Can't keep my hands off them. I didn't break this one, though. Um... I'm trying very hard not to be an embarrassment.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: What do you mean?
- Jules Daly: I overheard you and Edward in the study. I know you didn't want to invite me tonight. The crass girl with no title or fortune.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Oh, no. You misunderstand. Father was talking about Bunny McCracken.
- Jules Daly: Who?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Well, she's a dreadful, grisly sort of woman. Despises children. And senior citizens.
- [gesturing over his shoulder]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: She's over there.
- Jules Daly: [seeing who he means] Well, that's a relief. Not that she's grisly, but, um...
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Jules, well, you must know that... well, perhaps you don't, but the truth is, I hold you in the highest possible regard. I couldn't care less about your title. I find you funny, smart, and surprisingly funky, which is a rare combination.
- [the orchestra stops and begins a new song]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I believe they're playing our song.
- Jules Daly: We don't have a song.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: We do now.
- [taking her hand, he leads her onto the dance floor]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [returning the head of Maddie's doll] I believe you've been looking for this.
- Jules Daly: Thanks. Maddie will be thrilled.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [hearing something in her voice] Are you all right?
- Jules Daly: I've got something in my eye. I'm fine.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Of course. Well...
- Jules Daly: Was there anything else?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes. Um... I've been wanting to ask. Um, appears to be a quandary about the canapes.
- Jules Daly: What is it?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Shrimp quiche or salmon mousse?
- Jules Daly: Which do you like?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Shrimp quiche.
- Jules Daly: There you go, then.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Do you like shrimp?
- Jules Daly: Very much.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Quandary solved, then.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: How's the guest list coming along?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Oh, fine, fine. Practically everyone has accepted.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Good.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Except Lord and Lady Kronwall. They're impossible to pin down.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: They may be out of town. Don't they usually go to Stadt for Christmas?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Uh, y-yeah, maybe they're... aren't you supposed to be at lunch with Arabella and her parents?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I botched the time. We're going to reschedule.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Well, that's rather irresponsible. They're a very fine family, the Belmonts. We don't want to run around insulting them, do we? That would be a mistake.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: No, Father. I assure you, it wasn't intentional.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [getting distracted while trying to teach Jules to waltz] This is impossible.
- Jules Daly: Come on. Loosen up.
- [mussing his hair and unzipping his sweater]
- Jules Daly: Yeah. Come on.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I'm not really the funky type.
- Jules Daly: Well, don't worry, because I am. Jam-nastic lessons at the YMCA.
- [turning on hip-hop dance music]
- Jules Daly: Come on. I know you're a prince, but I think you've got some gangster in there somewhere.
- Jules Daly: I saw you and Milo on the lawn earlier. It's really nice of you to spend time with him. I hope he didn't give you too much grief.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Well, actually, the lesson went quite well. And you're next.
- Jules Daly: Oh, I'm not very good at weaponry.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: How about waltzing? I just got word that Father's throwing a Christmas Eve ball.
- Jules Daly: He is?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes. Someone seems to have turned him around.
- [offering his hand]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Shall we?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [teaching Jules to waltz] You're too stiff.
- Jules Daly: Well, I could say the same thing about you.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I meant your arm.
- Jules Daly: Oh. Well, how is it supposed to be?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Responsive.
- [she takes his hand firmly]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Much better. Now you need to count.
- [taking each step]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: One, two, three. One, two, three.
- Jules Daly: [stumbling over her own feet] Uh, s-sorry. I'm just not very musical.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: That's all right. I am. Violin lessons from age 5.
- Jules Daly: You play the violin?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes. Now, please, try to focus.
- Jules Daly: I just find it interesting is all.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: And I find it interesting you eat hot wings yet know the works of Christopher Landry.
- Duke of Belmont: It's an outrage! Prince Ashton is flagrantly cavorting with that... with that strumpet while he is expected to be engaging our daughter.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: My son has a mind of his own.
- Duchess of Belmont: Oh, yes, we know all about your sons and their fascination with the great unwashed.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Bite your tongue, woman.
- Duchess of Belmont: [insulted] I am the Most Honorable Duchess of Belmont, and it would behoove you to address me as such.
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: Well, you may well be a duchess, but Jules Daly is more of a lady than you will ever be.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: You obviously don't know the real Jules Daly. She's clearly after your money. Why else do you think that girl is here? And anyone can see that she can't manage those children on her own. So I did a little personal research. And did you know that Miss Jules Daly was fired from her job, Master Milo is, in fact, a kleptomaniac, or that little Maddie is a trans-fat junkie?
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: That is a lie.
- Jules Daly: No. Arabella is right.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: See? Told you.
- Jules Daly: Milo did steal that video game. But he returned it.
- [taking Maddie's bag of Doritos]
- Jules Daly: And Maddie does have a... temporary fascination with chips, which we're trying to fix. And I am currently unemployed, but I hope for not too long, because I really like working. I may not know much about parenting, but I know we don't need money to make us happy. But we do need each other. These are brave kids. They deserve a chance at a family. And as inconceivable as that may seem, Arabella, that's the only reason we're here.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: [scoffing snicker] Ashton, you don't honestly believe her?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes. I do.
- Lady Arabella Marchand du Belmont: Edward? Surely you can see that she's...
- Edward Duke of Castlebury: [she does the "crazy" hand/head gesture] So who cares? You say Jules is a bad mother. Well, I've been a lousy father and an even worse father-in-law. So, Jules lost her job. You have never worked a single day in your life. And if you ask me, Lady Arabella Marchand Du Belmont, you're the one who is all fur coat and no knickers.
- Jules Daly: So, how was the hunt?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: And why do you say it like that?
- Jules Daly: Well, I'm not a champion of torturing innocent foxes.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: That makes two of us.
- Jules Daly: What do you mean?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Well, I find fox hunting cruel and barbaric, which is why I advocated the ban on hunting them.
- Jules Daly: Well, then what were you hunting?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: A man.
- Jules Daly: A man?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes. Dragging a fake scent. It's called a drag hunt.
- Jules Daly: Oh. I'm sorry. I guess that news didn't make the Buffalo sports page.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Now, that's a tree.
- Jules Daly: Isn't it pretty?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Very pretty.
- Jules Daly: Come on. You wanna help?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Um, well, I'd love to.
- Jules Daly: [tossing an ornament to him] Whoop.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Well, I warn you, I've no idea what I'm doing.
- Jules Daly: That's okay. There's no wrong way to decorate a Christmas tree.
- [he moves to hang the ornament]
- Jules Daly: Mm... higher.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Higher?
- Jules Daly: Well, you're taller, so I-I might as well use you.
- Jules Daly: [breaking up a fight between the kids] Are you gonna tell me which one of you two started this?
- Maddie Huntington: He did it!
- Milo Huntington: I guess I did. Sorry, Maddie.
- Maddie Huntington: It's okay.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Well, now we're all friends here, why don't you two help Paisley with his chores?
- Milo Huntington, Paisley Winterbottom: Chores?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes. Feeding the Shetland ponies.
- Maddie Huntington: [excited] Ponies?
- Paisley Winterbottom: Well, I say, sir, what a splendid idea. Come along, children. Let's go find some carrots.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: [teaching archery to Milo] Which is your dominant eye?
- Milo Huntington: Don't know, don't care.
- [firing an arrow, it bounces off the target]
- Milo Huntington: This is stupid.
- [throwing his bow down]
- Milo Huntington: I'm going back to bed.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Milo. Milo. I can help you. Please, pick up the bow.
- [he does so]
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: That's right. Now, right side facing you. Fingers either side. And breathe. Look at the target. Which is clearer?
- Milo Huntington: The right.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Then you're right-eye dominant. Had my share of black eyes when I was your age.
- Milo Huntington: Oh, yeah?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Tricky business, fighting. Finally gave it up.
- Milo Huntington: How come? Couldn't take a punch?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: The contrary. No matter how many fights I won, I still felt like a loser. Now, load your arrow. One fluid motion. And when you let go, let the anger go with it.
- Milo Huntington: [firing, they both hit the bullseye] Cool.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Jules, this is my friend Thomas.
- Jules Daly: Hi.
- [Thomas kisses her hand]
- Jules Daly: Oh!
- Lord Thomas Belmont: Has Ashton been behaving?
- Jules Daly: Like a prince.
- Lord Thomas Belmont: Well, he'd better. After all, he is one.
- Jules Daly: You're not really a prince, are you?
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: I am.
- Jules Daly: No. Really? But...
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: The title comes from my mother's side.
- Jules Daly: [bumping into Ashton, she accidentally pulls a piece of sconce off the wall] Hi.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Hello.
- Jules Daly: [taking her wrist out of his grip] Uh, oh. Sorry.
- [recognizing him]
- Jules Daly: You're Ashton.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: Yes.
- Jules Daly: I-I've seen you in pictures. My sister was married to your...
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: To my brother, Charles.
- Jules Daly: Sorry about your sconce. It's old, isn't it? Probably pretty expensive. You know, it looks like a Louis Philippe.
- [checking]
- Jules Daly: Yeah, it is.
- [trying to fit it back into place]
- Jules Daly: I can probably just fix this with some nail glue or a little light welding.
- Ashton Prince of Castlebury: You can just leave it.