- Benzine Mag [Eric Debarnot]
- French
- Brief Take [Daniel Reynolds]
- carmattos.com [Carlos Alberto Mattos] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cenas de Cinema [Francisco Carbone]
- Portuguese
- Cine Divergente [Javier Acevedo]
- Spanish
- Cine en Serio [Randy Meeks]
- Spanish
- CINECURE [Charles Declercq]
- French
- Cinemagavia [Irene Abecia Navarro]
- Spanish
- Cineuropa.org [Fabien Lemercier]
- Ciné Séries [Kevin Romanet]
- French
- CinéDweller.com [Virgile Dumez]
- French
- Critic's Notebook [Sarah Manvel]
- El antepenúltimo mohicano [Mariona Borrull Zapata]
- Spanish
- Fifth about The Seventh [Felipe Rosa]
- Film dreams [Christopher Laso]
- Spanish
- Mediapart [Cédric Lépine]
- French
- mmknmrtb [numan serteli]
- Turkish
- Papo de Cinema [Marcelo Müller]
- Portuguese
- Revista Cintilatio [David García Miño]
- Spanish
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