Most of the Filming took place in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.
Craig Bruss took surfing lessons, studied surfing and interviewed surfers to prepare for this movie.
The Lunada Bay Gang was a real surfing Gang in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA and They were known for their aggressive localism. The older generation Lunada Bay surfers used to be more of a non-violent fraternity and family back in the early 1960's. The original fraternity even goes as far back as the 1930's.
The real Lunada Bay Boys had a Hut Fortress Club they had built without permits but was demolished in 2016 when The town of Palos Verde and the California Coastal Commission ordered the destruction of the structure after a lawsuit was filed against the Bay Boys. While filming at the Lunada Bay spot there was a few lawn chairs and a bag of charcoal for grilling under a palm tree and bushes.
The Welding Jacket young Match-Stick wore in the movie was Craig's dad's Welding jacket he found at his house back home. Young Match-Stick prior to meeting Mob Boss Donny Niro (The Good Match-Stick) was based off Craig's dad.