Seven years after The Alien Wars devastated the Earth, a metropolis dubbed "The Damned City" rises from the ground; its harsh environment causes those inside to go insane and is home to beas... Read allSeven years after The Alien Wars devastated the Earth, a metropolis dubbed "The Damned City" rises from the ground; its harsh environment causes those inside to go insane and is home to beasts called "Fiends" who kill any living thing in their path. However, four Contra heroes kn... Read allSeven years after The Alien Wars devastated the Earth, a metropolis dubbed "The Damned City" rises from the ground; its harsh environment causes those inside to go insane and is home to beasts called "Fiends" who kill any living thing in their path. However, four Contra heroes known as "Jaegers", immune to the city's effects, have taken on thre ask of saving humanity ... Read all