I was very surprised by this little gem, because Hungarian movies are often accused of bad acting and low budget clichés. Well, this movie has them too - but they somehow managed to turn these weaknesses into strengths, therefore creating the perfect antisocial hero: Tibor Malkáv. I mean his character is built up perfectly - we only know the most important things, that he shares with others. Which is not much. But at least nobody get's confused by long discussions. It's just enough to keep the viewer interested throughout the movie. Also some "art" scenes appear from time to time - but don't let this keep you away -, they didn't overdo it: it's perfectly enjoyable even for people less interested in symbolic mindbogglings. Music, story and script also great. Unfortunately some less talented acting also appears in minor roles - won't ruin the show, but a bit irritating. A bigger issue was costumes and sets. They captured Eastern European reality well with Tibor's flat, car or the dissecting room, but it got a bit more confusing towards the end. I know most people won't notice, but there are situations when it looked dumb. This movie could have really earned at least 0,5 star more if the creators had the money.