- 10mo Círculo [Dante Yurei]
- Spanish
- 10th Circle [Dante Yurei]
- Backseat Mafia [Rob Aldam]
- Cinedweller [Virgile Dumez]
- French
- Culture Crypt [Ian Sedensky]
- Die Nacht der lebenden Texte [Volker Schönenberger]
- German
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Jennie Kermode]
- Father Son Holy Gore (C.H. Newell)
- Film Cred [R.C. Jara]
- Film TV [Fabio Pazzaglia]
- Italian
- film-rezensionen.de [Rouven Linnarz]
- German
- FilmsFantastiques.com [Gilles Penso]
- French
- Geek Legion of Doom (Leo)
- Ghouls Magazine [Alix Turner]
- HeavenofHorror.com [Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard]
- HeyUGuys [Dan Goodwin]
- Horreur.Quebec [Kristof G.]
- French
- Horror Brains
- Horror Buzz [Brian Fanelli]
- Horror Obsessive [Hal Kitchen]
- IlCineocchio.it [Sabrina Crivelli]
- Italian
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Josh At The Movies [Josh Batchelder]
- JumpCut Online [Nguyen Le]
- kalafudra.com [Lena Lisa Vogelmann]
- KinoFilmWelt [Christopher Diekhaus]
- German
- MaddWolf [George Wolf]
- Mellowdramatix [Edvard Solstad]
- German
- Metacultura [Ernesto Gerez]
- Spanish
- Micha's Breakdown [Michael Beuster]
- Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- MOVIES and MANIA [Adrian J Smith]
- MOVIES and MANIA [critical overview: Adrian J Smith]
- Projected Figures [Anton Bitel]
- Scared Sheepless
- Search my Trash [Michael Haberfelner]
- Terrorbit [Alonso de Acuña]
- Spanish
- TerrorWeekend.com [Sergio Bosch]
- Spanish
- The Guardian [Phil Hoad]
- The Movie Waffler [Eric Hillis]
- The Wee Review [Kevin Ibbotson-Wight]
- Thrill & Kill [Lisa]
- German
- Tiket Horror Sam [Sam Q. Michaelis] (Indonesia)
- Trick or Treat Radio [Audio Podcast]
- UK Film Review [George Wolf]
- Upcoming On Screen - Scott Gilliland
- Voices From The Balcony [Jim Morazzini]
- Warped Perspective [Keri O'Shea]
- XXZ [Marko Stojiljkovic] (Serbo-croatian)
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