6 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- At its most straightforward, the film is an effective drama about a 10-year-old city girl's eye-opening summer in the rural Midwest.
- 40Village VoiceVillage VoiceThe film packs in more characters, subplots, and moments of nostalgic detail than it can gracefully accommodate, and the pacing often feels rushed.
- 30The Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckThe Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckMaking her feature directorial debut at the tender age of 70, veteran actress Connie Stevens delivers an obviously heartfelt but sadly unfocused melodrama in the form of Saving Grace B. Jones.
- 30Most of what Stevens has concocted here is hard to take, notably the characters' curious relationship with the rain that threatens to drown Missouri, and serves as a soggy metaphor. Sometimes it only rains in half the frame; sometimes people coming out of downpours are wet, sometimes they're not; sometimes they're wet and it's not raining.
- 20The New York TimesStephen HoldenThe New York TimesStephen HoldenMs. O'Neal's Grace is a fluttery Blanche DuBois type who transforms into a ranting madwoman wreaking havoc. Instead of an ax, she wields scissors. From here on, the movie is a grotesquely overacted, ineptly staged screamfest.
- 0Slant MagazineSlant MagazineThis cumbersome and graceless 1950s-set period drama possesses the reactionary life insights and amateurish production values of a Lifetime soap.