- Jason: You have no idea what it's like to be bullied do you?
- Justine: I'm sure it's awful
- Jason: Darren couldn't escape even when he was at home. They sent him texts and e-mails and they set up a website.
- Justine: Website?
- Jason: Can you believe that? What's he supposed to do, you tell a teacher and they tell the bullies off and that gives them an excuse to come after you. You tell your parents and they just say stand up for yourself. Darren couldn't stand up for himself
- Justine: Who bullied him?
- Bradley: Have you been upsetting my guests?
- Jez: No bro, I was joking, ya get me? Wah
- [Jez gropes Marcus' fake boobs]
- Marcus: Don't play with the things.
- Bradley: I ain't your fucking bro.
- Jez: Listen you lot need to chill out, it's Darren Mullet's leaving do. The fat twat is dead, you gotta drink to that. Ya get me? Gimme some.
- [Jez holds his hands up to slap onto Marcus'. Marcus doesn't move and pulls jez hands down]
- Bradley: Why the fuck did you just say that shit to me?
- Jez: Bradley, mate it's me.
- Bradley: Sort him out
- [walks away]
- Jez: [Jez calls after him] Mate come on. Bradley, it's me, it's Jeremy.
- Marcus: Shhhhhhhhhhh...
- [Marcus shouts in the style of Leonidas in 300]
- [kicks Jez into the pool]
- Bradley: Alright Jizzum Wanks you little twat, tomorrow at school, I'm going to make kebabs out of your nads.
- Bradley: Fuck me, i'm out of breath. Now what i was trying to say was how sorry I am that Mullet decided to top himself. A bit selfish of him really, leaving Mr. jizzy no mates here, not one fat spaz to call a friend.
- Bradley: Arr! You're a plucky little fucker aren't you. Now Mullet is dead which means he can't be sending us texts, I don't think that he can get a signal up there, do you?
- Marcus: I can't even get a signal in the bogs.
- Bradley: Exactly. Now being Shrek risen from the dead, ain't a bad gag. So give me his phone and we'll call it quits.
- Jason: I haven't got his phone.
- Bradley: Jason, Jason, Jason, you're only hurting yourself mate
- [punches Jason in the face]
- Helena: What do you want?
- Tasha: I want world peace
- [in a fake American accent]
- Tasha: , I want Prada shoes and I want you to know why you have been sending us texts, you stupid geeky little bitch.
- Helena: What are you talking about?
- Khalillah: We're talking about you sending us texts
- Helena: Why would I?
- Tasha: Because you're a twisted dyke slut, how the hell would I know?
- Helena: Why don't you grow up?
- Games teacher: Boys we got a semi- final on saturday, what are you doing? You can't hit a barn door.
- Justine: What did that poor boy do to you anyway?
- Tasha: You want to know why we picked on him? We were bored, he was a spaz. You do the math.
- Justine: I'm so glad I'm not like you
- Tasha: Suck my cock you prissy bitch. You look down your nose at everyone, but you spread your legs just like the rest of us.
- Tasha: [Standing in Darren's shallow grave] Look i'm sorry. I'm really sorry. We were just joking around. It was the others who didn't like you not me. I always liked you. Actually I kind of fancied you. I wanted to go out with you. That's the truth ok? I was just too scared to ask. I would have gone out with you... and maybe it's not too late?
- DC Harmison: Now that's interesting.
- [picks up justine's head girl badge]
- WPC Wright: Guv, I think you should see this.
- DC Harmison: What you got?
- WPC Wright: A condom, a full one.
- DC Harmison: Well at least he got his rocks off
- WPC Wright: No Guv, it's full of his dick.
- [she hold up the condom which contains Bradley's genitalia]
- DC Harmison: Fucking spiders! Look at that.
- Justine: Jason, I came to say i'm sorry. I... saw Darren being bullied and I didn't do anything to help him. I'm starting to think it's maybe was my fault.
- Jason: It wasn't you. It was me. I was the one who told them he fancied you. I didn't want them to start on me so I set him up. Some friend huh?
- Justine: I'm gonna see the Head. Tell him what happened to Darren.
- Jason: It's not gonna bring him back.
- Games teacher: Can any of you boys tell me why that stupid little bitch had to kill all my best players?
- [walks along the line of students in football gear]
- Games teacher: Why couldn't she have done us all a favour and killed you lot instead. Out you go.
- [team go out]
- Games teacher: Keep your discipline
- [sees Darren sitting on a bench]
- Games teacher: Oi! Oi!
- [walks over to Darren]
- Games teacher: Why aren't you changed with the others? Have you got a note? Cause if you haven't got a note then you can get yourself...
- [Darren hands Mr Ramsey a note]
- Games teacher: Dear Mr Ramsey, Darren can't do games today 'cause he is dead. What is this a joke son? Is this meant to be funny? cause if you... Oh fuck.
- [realises that Darren really is dead when he raises his head and looks at Mr Ramsey]
- Alexis: I try not to get involved in Bradly's shit but you know what he's like, the other night with the chainsaw... already on the web.
- Justine: I dont want anyone to see that
- Alexis: how'd you think I feel im screaming like a girl
- Justine: yeah where was my knight in shining armour
- Alexis: yeah ok it wasn't exactly mu finest hour but if it happened for real i'll protect you... I promise.
- Justine Fielding: [fiercely as Darren stabs Alexis with his own screwdriver] You Know What? You Do Look Like Fucking Shrek!
- Gordon Ramsey: [walking in on Bradley and Marcus kicking Banks] You Know What... Kids Like You Make Me Sick
- [abruptly]
- Gordon Ramsey: Detention... A Week
- Jason Banks: [distraught] But Sir... That's Not Fair
- Gordon Ramsey: [Icily] Life Isn't Fair
- [beat]
- Gordon Ramsey: Two Weeks