A new universal spiritual intervention has brought into being the philosopher/seer, to explain to those who already have spiritual wisdom a way forward for greater progress to peace and plenty. Such understanding can be transferred to those who already have these qualities but are lost to those who hold materialism as their way of life. It is therefore important to find the fertile ground in which to sow the most precious seed of truth. Materialism is only ten per cent of our DNA with the remainder being in the realm of metaphysics. Study of metaphysics shows the way forward to a greater understanding of reality and the very make-up of the human brain with the spiritual sensor therein. Previous philosophers worked with their knowledge of the day and enabled others who followed the beauty of their insight. That same insight is likened to a path for others to learn, follow and develop. The path leads us to an understanding of the sensitized brain development far in advance of our present thinking - bringing peace and plenty and helping all peoples in their various fields of work embracing scientific studies, medical, agricultural and countless others. Development of present democracy requires great change to allow people to have the freedom of imposed failures of government. The changes required are such, to enable people get back to work and feed their families without the deep poverty levels suffered by many millions of children of any Country. The present type of democracy is based on an old fashioned false premise of appearing to progress but not doing so, described as the 'status quo'. The present economic climate is well spoken of and used as an excuse and many suffer poverty and degradation, except those who have profitable shares or have well-paid jobs. The great need to enable people to have daily work can be created through co-operative working for the common good, as in other Countries and originally started in Spain. Government backing of these co- operatives would see great savings by governments of benefits paid out to thousands of unemployed as at present, healthier individuals would result with reductions in health costs and reduction in crime -- lowering costs arising from Courts and prisons. The benefits are endless by a change of Government policy, bringing in greater democracy for all peoples to have work and live in a level of prosperity for our children's sake. Should Governments continue to hold the power of democracy for themselves and not share it with their peoples then greater suffering will result.