1 review
I cannot get the Blues guitar riffs of Bluesbreaker out of my head. The film preaches the blues and the passion for playing guitar in a way seldomly achieved in fictions on the silver screen. School of Rock remained very superficial, and the Blues Brothers's masterpiece was not about inspiration. People with music in their blood lead a different life than the rest of us. Bluesbreaker tells the story of a young kid who cannot focus on anything else than his guitar and fails in everything else, love, work, friendship, miserably, his failures fueling his inspiration for more Blues. At the same time he casts an aura of magnificent confidence and inspiration, which is the energy of his burning passion inside. This is where Robinson Stevenin's interpretation becomes pure magic. Served by excellent camera work, beautiful 35mm compositions of DOP turned director Brenguier, this tale of Blues stays with you after you have left the theater. Makes you want to put a John Lee Hooker or a Stevie Ray Vaughn CD in your car stereo and drive nowhere fast. Preach the Blues now!