"Byomkesh o Durgo Rahasya," directed by Birsa Dasgupta, features a solid cast. The main highlight of the film is Superstar Dev portraying the role of Byomkesh for the very first time. Rukmini Maitra plays the role of Satyabati, and Ambarish Bhattacharya plays Ajit. To be honest, many people are skeptical about the cast. The director has chosen a different approach to depict Byomkesh. "Durga Rahasya" is one of the finest Byomkesh stories by Saradindu Bandopadhyay. In this adaptation, Byomkesh is more adventurous than being a Satyanweshi, reminiscent of Shankar and "Durgo Rahasya." Dev plays his role with utmost sincerity, but Rukmini Maitra seems to be a misfit, with most of her scenes slowing down the pace. Ambarish, as Ajit, comes across more like a comedian than a writer. The other cast members perform their parts well, especially Satyam Bhattacharya. Subhankar Bhar's camera work is a treat to watch, and the locations are picturesque. The background music helps engage the audience. Overall, it provides a great theatrical experience if you don't expect this movie to be a typical Byomkesh film. The highlights of the movie are Byomkesh's introduction scene and the climax. Dev is attempting to introduce something new to his old audience, who love masala flicks. This idea is quite revolutionary. To regain our past glory, we need to attract more audiences to the theater.