17 reviews
HEAVEN is definitely worth seeing. This movie brings hope and inspiration, especially in this difficult time.
It shows the viewer that this life is just the beginning; it isn't finished yet!
The acting is good and the special effects are "Heavenly "!
I REALLY wish Christian films would STOP putting their actors in wigs, and put more thought in the storyboard flow, BUUUT this movie had me in tears several times. I took a friend w/ me to see this movie and he fell asleep. Christian films don't have to be "corny." I beg of you...PLEASE put more effort in the production and a script that flows smoothly from scene to scene. Other than that, movie was predictable as as most Christian films but they also always come with a great message. For THAT, I would recommend this corny flick! 😉
- Isabella_Campbell
- Mar 25, 2022
- Permalink
We had high hopes for this story, but left very disappointed. Very confusing editing, flashing back and forth, no character development, poor dialogue, poor acting. If felt like film students thesis.
I'm a Christian myself but if you guys evangelists think you are going to change the mind of the not belivers with this movie... you are totally wrong.
More boring picture evre award
- tutocotu-88973
- Jan 31, 2021
- Permalink
Shows the simplicity of coming to Jesus and His free gift of salvation ! Gives hope to everyone; because we all have trials and need hope. This free gift is not based on what we do to get to heaven but resting and trusting in Jesus who did it all for us if we just believe in Him.
A must see!!
- robinarmstonbennett
- Jan 22, 2021
- Permalink
Set between delusion (heaven) and reality (uh, reality), the story follows a man who flips out after a loved one dies of cancer and imagines himself in heaven. Yes, it's another Jesus movie to torture the children of evangelicals who drag them to these awful concoctions instead of taking them to see Spiderman or something actually, like, entertaining. But, I mean, can you imagine spending eternity around a bunch of Southern Baptists? You'd be trying to find out if you could get to another level of dead.
- tjpierce-84253
- Jan 20, 2021
- Permalink
We live in a fallen world filled with pain, sorrow and regrets. We all long for something better. Something to hope for. This film clearly shows that there is indeed a true hope. A reason to live for. That there is a life to come where there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, no more regrets. A life where there is nothing but perfect peace and joy for eternity. How does one obtain this? This film shows that it is not based on ourselves but solely on the acceptance of the love that Christ has offered to each one of us if we only believe.
For those who went through the never ending guilt of abortion or lost someone special in there life this movie brings emotional healing. People who saw this cried for the characters distress and rejoiced in the hope of Heaven. A powerful film well performed by all.
- preachermikerobinson
- Jan 20, 2021
- Permalink
They're all in "Heaven," a thoughtful film about a couple with a regrettable past, a painful present, and a bountiful future. I.e., they're like you and me. Who doesn't want more, bigger and better Hope? The God of the bible delights in redeeming the hopeless. Check it out and be blessed!
- davidraymondmarsh
- Jan 21, 2021
- Permalink
I like to movie and I think it speaks to the hearts of many people. We all carry around issues in our lives and this movie shows them and speaks into them. I believe the movie is a good fit for anyone who lost a lived one and is looking for hope. This film will definitely help people
- alanduprey
- Jan 20, 2021
- Permalink
- richjc-43162
- Jan 23, 2021
- Permalink
This movie "Heaven," is absolutely gripping! It's not for the spiritually timid. This movie "Heaven," with Eric Robert's is unreal! Playing in between the Marksman and Wonder Woman, and yes this is reality. Winning awards!!! Being released nationally through Cinemark at the time of this review, and yes this is reality! God moved here. Through this movie "Heaven," my faith has increased. Undoubtedly, already in motion, "Heaven," will probably touch millions and millions and millions of people spiritually with the Gospel Message of Hope nationally and internationally, and probably be translated in multiple languages and probably be the #1 Christian Faith-based Hollywood Feature Film ever released! It's deep. It's powerful! It's life changing. The artistic and creative genius exemplified with Director and Actor and Producer Angus Benfield cannot be matched. The acting, the directing, the sound, the music, the story line, the spiritual truths inherent within this Hollywood Feature Film, "Heaven," and the overall production will go down in history as a pure masterpiece. A Picasso, a Rembrandt, a Michael Angelo. A work of art! Best picture I've seen in the history of my life. I thank everyone involved with this masterpiece. You've changed my life and the trajectory of my life's journey. To think how beautiful the Bible, the Gospel, Jesus, God, and Heaven are portrayed here. Excellence in action. Par none. Top notch! Definitely deserves the status of being a multi, multi, multi million dollar movie!!!! Definitely! Thank you for this film!!! God Speed!!!!!
This movie gave a powerful spiritual message that was able to speak to the audience. The use of the symbolism of the rock being moved represented the weight that most people carry on their backs day in and day out. The boulder being lifted and moved portrays that if we turn towards God and lean on him than he will give us peace.
Enjoyed film from beginning to end. Great message and acting. Great to see the question of what is heaven, who can go and how do you get there played out over someone's lifetime.