'Werewolf (2020)' is a short film about a group of friends who decide to play a game of 'Werewolf'. It's a fast-paced comedy with an escalating pace and a focus on the banter between its characters. Though some of the acting is a tiny bit spotty, it's typically a believable and entertaining affair. The character of Kenneth is particularly enjoyable, his ostentatious delivery providing plenty of chuckles. The overall thing feels like it could have been expanded on further, actually; this feels like a shorter version of a much stronger overall piece. Still, that can't really be considered a negative. What can, however, is the fact that the ending, despite its admirable intentions, actually dampens the rest of the affair. It sort of means that previous events either don't make sense or aren't all that relevant; in either case, it doesn't feel like the natural conclusion to the story we're presented with (even though that story itself initially seems to lend itself towards a similar reveal). It's hard to describe what I mean without spoiling things (which I don't want to do). Basically, the ending lacks the finesse needed to make it truly work. Still, the flick is fun overall. It's a solid short with high production value and a witty screenplay. 7/10.