For the greatest tips on how to ruin your marriage, and exploit your children... please tune in to Jon and Kate plus 8, they will show you all the tips on how greed can ruin lives. I see nothing wrong in securing financially for your children, but let us realize that Kate was a nurse, and Jon had a decent job as well. They weren't poor by any means. Too much of anything is unhealthy. Maybe one season was just enough, then she could of focused on writing, but to let it play out this long is disgusting. What disgusts me even more is that people tune in to watch this crap. I hope you know that it's staged. The wedding vows they renewed, staged! Everything is scripted in what they do. I'm happy I didn't tune in on Monday, but then again you can just see it's all over front pages of yahoo, and other various sites. Boycott this show for the sake of the children, let Jon and Kate deal with this in private. If not you just continue to feed ratings for the network that is motivated by money! Kate should of wrote a book about, 100 ways to destroy a family! Jon you're just as guilty, fckn grow a pair!