Females in jeopardy: At about 58 minutes in, Alex is threatened by Michael, who won't let her get out of his car. He assaults her and after a brief struggle he falls over a cliff. At about 45 minutes remaining, Alex is threatened by a spirit that propels a vase at her. It misses, and she flees the house. At about 12 minutes remaining, Ellen is attacked by a spirit. She falls down and is knocked out. With about 5 minutes remaining, Alex and Chris are threatened by a spirit that takes control of the car Alex is driving. They bail out of the car before it goes over a cliff. At about 2 minutes remaining, the spirit threatens Alex. She finds a medallion and throws it at the spirit, destroying it.
Unlike many Lifetime movies made in Canada, in this one of the main cast only Christian Campbell had guested on Supernatural (2005). Accordingly, his role here involved the supernatural.