Watched this series through Netflix. At the beginning it was a promising series. Adventure, fiction, mystery, action...has the tell tale of a good movie. Sat down through the subtitles... being very patient... Started having doubts and questions around episode 4. I am not sure why the writers, directors, producers went from being mysterious to being "not funny, funny.. but it's not funny, more like slapstick silly that's not funny. Did I say not funny ? It's not supposed to be funny, but that is the direction they went, and it's not funny, and lost all the mystery, and adventure. OK, let me put it this way, it went from rated MA to R to PG to Y7, then to General Audience. So I am not going to go through the punishing adventure switched to something I have no idea what... I wanted to keep watching it, but my curiosity lost it's appeal... I am not gonna go through this promising, lost it's appeal movie series. They should've stuck to their original plan of making it ACTION FILLED, Thrilling CGI, Fiction filled fantasy story, with MA Rating instead of this floozy funny not funny story. I was saddened because I thought it was going to be a good story...but then it did not... so disappointed. Maybe if they dubbed it in English, it might be good but no way I am watching it subtitled in a very difficult twists and turn of a funny, not funny adventure, and no adventure fantasy, and no fantasy, fictional ... story.