Simon Helberg credited as playing...
Howard Wolowitz
- Howard Wolowitz: Is is because I'm Jewish? Because I would kill my rabbi with a pork chop to be with your sister.
- Sheldon Cooper: It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with the fact that you're a tiny man who lives with his mother.
- Howard Wolowitz: You have Penny.
- Leonard Hofstadter: I don't have Penny. In what conceivable universe do I have Penny?
- Howard Wolowitz: So I can have her then?
- Leonard Hofstadter: No!
- Leonard Hofstadter: Maybe she's his lawyer.
- Howard Wolowitz: Well, she's free to inspect my briefs.
- Leonard Hofstadter: Howard...
- Howard Wolowitz: I know, I'm disgusting. I should be punished. By her. Oh, look, I did it again.
- Leonard Hofstadter: [sees a crowd outside Sheldon's office] What's going on?
- Howard Wolowitz: Shhh. Hot girl in Sheldon's office.
- Leonard Hofstadter: Sheldon's office? Is she lost?
- Howard Wolowitz: I don't think so. I followed her here from the parking lot.