43 reviews
The more i watch this show it seems the more i don't like it as much. Voices have change. Took a little too long for characters to come in. Some characters seem more dull than others and it's just okay now.
Okay lets think when discord showed up. They kinda tried to ship fluttershy with discord. Voice actors have changed. It's just.. Weird
Okay lets think when discord showed up. They kinda tried to ship fluttershy with discord. Voice actors have changed. It's just.. Weird
- ardasanimations
- Feb 18, 2021
- Permalink
As a fan of the original show, I was quite sad to see it go and wished they could have continued it with a tenth season. When this show was announced, I was skeptical because of how much of a downfall comedic reboots have been since Teen Titans Go!. But, I decided to give it a chance since many of the staff of past MLP shows and movies in the 2010's would be working on this show. My thoughts on MLP: Pony Life are definitely better than what I was expecting. I definitely couldn't call it the Teen Titans Go! of MLP because Teen Titans Go! is bad in so many ways.
My thoughts on the first two episodes: Both episodes had some funny jokes and the animation that had a very energized flow, which is common for comedic shows. The Mane 6 are their usual selves from the original, but there are a few changes like Applejack being able to break the fourth wall and Fluttershy's "dark side" being front and center more than the original. There's also much greater focus put on there more comedic sides of their characterizations from the original like Twilight's crazy overreactions, Rarity's drama, Celestia's goof ball moments, and I actually think that's one of the things that makes Celestia stand out more in the original. The voice acting is phenomenal as usual, and the characters do sound like they usually did in the original show.
I do have a couple of critiques of this show so far. One is the running time. I felt like the first episode was rather rushed with Pinkie's dilemma about being under pressure, and I think the episode could have spent more time to focus on that with her coming to grips of just being herself with a more better pace so that viewers who can relate to messing up under pressing could relate to it more. With a twenty minute running time like the original instead of eleven, I do think that could have made better pacing. Another critique I have but hopefully this will be addressed in later episodes, is that fan favorite characters from the original like Discord, Princess Luna, and "The Great and Powerful Trixie!" aren't in this show. I really hope they will appear in later episodes because they really helped established an identity for the original, and they always had so many great moments.
My overall thoughts: I think it's just okay. Not bad as a start, it's way better than Teen Titans Go!, it will obviously not surpass the original because of how much of the original established among itself with its world and characters, but I do think this show is nice enough to serve as a coping mechanism for a very great show that helped give the 2010's cartoons an identity with its comedy and likable characters. I don't really think it needed to exist since we can simply watch reruns of the original as it had over 200 episodes which is pretty impressive and good for binge watching , but I still think it's good enough and it may probably improve later on hopefully.
My thoughts on the first two episodes: Both episodes had some funny jokes and the animation that had a very energized flow, which is common for comedic shows. The Mane 6 are their usual selves from the original, but there are a few changes like Applejack being able to break the fourth wall and Fluttershy's "dark side" being front and center more than the original. There's also much greater focus put on there more comedic sides of their characterizations from the original like Twilight's crazy overreactions, Rarity's drama, Celestia's goof ball moments, and I actually think that's one of the things that makes Celestia stand out more in the original. The voice acting is phenomenal as usual, and the characters do sound like they usually did in the original show.
I do have a couple of critiques of this show so far. One is the running time. I felt like the first episode was rather rushed with Pinkie's dilemma about being under pressure, and I think the episode could have spent more time to focus on that with her coming to grips of just being herself with a more better pace so that viewers who can relate to messing up under pressing could relate to it more. With a twenty minute running time like the original instead of eleven, I do think that could have made better pacing. Another critique I have but hopefully this will be addressed in later episodes, is that fan favorite characters from the original like Discord, Princess Luna, and "The Great and Powerful Trixie!" aren't in this show. I really hope they will appear in later episodes because they really helped established an identity for the original, and they always had so many great moments.
My overall thoughts: I think it's just okay. Not bad as a start, it's way better than Teen Titans Go!, it will obviously not surpass the original because of how much of the original established among itself with its world and characters, but I do think this show is nice enough to serve as a coping mechanism for a very great show that helped give the 2010's cartoons an identity with its comedy and likable characters. I don't really think it needed to exist since we can simply watch reruns of the original as it had over 200 episodes which is pretty impressive and good for binge watching , but I still think it's good enough and it may probably improve later on hopefully.
- nearmellol
- Jun 22, 2020
- Permalink
I would be much more harsh, but honestly, its hard to get mad at, its terrible, but harmless. Its best to ignore it and not see it as canon.
- isabelleseeley-88603
- Jun 22, 2020
- Permalink
Its just a trashy version of the my little pony friendship is magic series. Nothing else, i'm not even talking about the manes and the animation, it's just all bad it self
- cupcakenadia
- Sep 15, 2020
- Permalink
My daughters love FIM and the movies. When I saw this, I showed them and the look on my 7 year old's face said it all. The new animated style is terrible. My girls would love for the series to return as it was before, but their interest in this is lacking. Too bad, looks like another show will have to reap the marketing rewards for this one.
- bmjohnston-67825
- Nov 14, 2020
- Permalink
I can't believe it. I can't freakin' believe it! Almost immediately after the sweet and bitter goodbye to FiM, Hasbro followed it up... with THIS?! Are you... are you serious, Hasbro? This is how you honor the end of MLP's most successful and iconic era? THIS?! You're literally spitting and taking a dump on the very thing that resurrected this franchise, broke the "it's just a show for little girls" stereotype AND made you a gigantic fortune. This is insulting!
First off, the animation is cheap. It's literally a rehash of the same bland, boring CalArts visual style that i'm sick and tired of seeing! Hell, they don't even do anything new or remotely good with it. They just shrunk the characters down to chibi-style without any changes, and gave it some of the laziest backgrounds i've seen in a cartoon in a long time. Seriously, these backgrounds look like they were drawn by a 4-year-old in the span of 10 minutes. Remember the beautiful visuals and backgrounds FiM had? well, Hasbro literally said "Screw all that!" and gave us something that's so flat and lifeless to look at.
Then comes the characters.... oh boy! Remember how i said FiM went against the cutesy, lovey-dovey stereotypes most girl shows before it suffered from, and actually made it enjoyable for all ages? That was completely thrown out the window here! Instead, what we got here are grotesque caricatures of the original Mane 6 we all know and love. And they're not even likable or interesting in this show! These clones literally have only one single trait to them: Twilight is the psychotic nerd, Pinkie is annoying, Rarity is the hoarder, Rainbow Dash is overly competitive, Applejack just breaks the fourth wall for no real reason, and Fluttershy.... oh my god, Hasbro! What the hell did you do to her?! as for the others, they're no better either. They even got rid of Luna and Cadence, and Twilight doesn't have her princess status anymore. What were you thinking, Hasbro?
As for the comedy.... again, going back to FiM: the original show had jokes that actually landed and were legitimately funny. It didn't focus on the juvenile aspect to insult the audience's intelligence, because the writers knew what they were doing, and went outta their way to make it legit funny. It even found ways to make slapstick funny, which is pretty rare in cartoons nowadays. And it also had heart to it. It made sure the audience cared about the characters and what they went through. What does Pony Life do? COMPLETELY THROW THAT IN THE TRASH! Like it meant nothing! Now, we're stuck with what Hasbro THINKS is "comedy", but in reality, it's the Teen Titans Go-kinda humor: all the jokes are surface level, the slapstick is way too overused, it focuses way too much on modern technology (something that SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST IN THIS WORLD!), and worst of all: it's never funny! the best this show has in terms of humor are the occasional small chuckles, but even those are few and far in between. But then again, the pacing in this damn thing is so break-neck fast, it's almost impossible to catch a good joke (if there even is any).
And all this brings me to Pony Life's biggest sin. The one thing that pulled me outta it entirely. After watching a few episodes, this is the thing that - at one point - made me go: "Ya know what? I'm done. I'm done with this show". It has no soul, heart or even a reason to exist. The basic things that made FiM so entertaining and so worthwhile, they got rid of them here! It's all a corporate downgrade to what was once a great show. The charm and heart of FiM is completely gone. We're left with a soulless clone that offers us little-to-nothing to enjoy until G5 eventually comes around, and that's NOT something to be proud of. That's NOT how we should honor G4 and everything it brought us, and how it literally started one of the best decades in animation. You can erase Pony Life entirely from the MLP lore, and nothing would change. I'm telling you, it would all stay exactly the same. That's how pointless Pony Life is. It only exists because Hasbro wanted to make more toys and more money.
What a turd! Despite a few bright spots in some episodes here and there, this is nothing more but a shameless downgrade to what was the best era of My Little Pony. It might not be as bad as Teen Titans Go or G3.5, but it's pretty close. Like i said, i'm officially done with this show. I seriously waited for it to hopefully get good at some point, but with how it's turning out.... probably best to abandon ship and wait for G5 and the next pony movie. Just skip this thing and stick with FiM. I promise, you're not missing anything worth your time here.
First off, the animation is cheap. It's literally a rehash of the same bland, boring CalArts visual style that i'm sick and tired of seeing! Hell, they don't even do anything new or remotely good with it. They just shrunk the characters down to chibi-style without any changes, and gave it some of the laziest backgrounds i've seen in a cartoon in a long time. Seriously, these backgrounds look like they were drawn by a 4-year-old in the span of 10 minutes. Remember the beautiful visuals and backgrounds FiM had? well, Hasbro literally said "Screw all that!" and gave us something that's so flat and lifeless to look at.
Then comes the characters.... oh boy! Remember how i said FiM went against the cutesy, lovey-dovey stereotypes most girl shows before it suffered from, and actually made it enjoyable for all ages? That was completely thrown out the window here! Instead, what we got here are grotesque caricatures of the original Mane 6 we all know and love. And they're not even likable or interesting in this show! These clones literally have only one single trait to them: Twilight is the psychotic nerd, Pinkie is annoying, Rarity is the hoarder, Rainbow Dash is overly competitive, Applejack just breaks the fourth wall for no real reason, and Fluttershy.... oh my god, Hasbro! What the hell did you do to her?! as for the others, they're no better either. They even got rid of Luna and Cadence, and Twilight doesn't have her princess status anymore. What were you thinking, Hasbro?
As for the comedy.... again, going back to FiM: the original show had jokes that actually landed and were legitimately funny. It didn't focus on the juvenile aspect to insult the audience's intelligence, because the writers knew what they were doing, and went outta their way to make it legit funny. It even found ways to make slapstick funny, which is pretty rare in cartoons nowadays. And it also had heart to it. It made sure the audience cared about the characters and what they went through. What does Pony Life do? COMPLETELY THROW THAT IN THE TRASH! Like it meant nothing! Now, we're stuck with what Hasbro THINKS is "comedy", but in reality, it's the Teen Titans Go-kinda humor: all the jokes are surface level, the slapstick is way too overused, it focuses way too much on modern technology (something that SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST IN THIS WORLD!), and worst of all: it's never funny! the best this show has in terms of humor are the occasional small chuckles, but even those are few and far in between. But then again, the pacing in this damn thing is so break-neck fast, it's almost impossible to catch a good joke (if there even is any).
And all this brings me to Pony Life's biggest sin. The one thing that pulled me outta it entirely. After watching a few episodes, this is the thing that - at one point - made me go: "Ya know what? I'm done. I'm done with this show". It has no soul, heart or even a reason to exist. The basic things that made FiM so entertaining and so worthwhile, they got rid of them here! It's all a corporate downgrade to what was once a great show. The charm and heart of FiM is completely gone. We're left with a soulless clone that offers us little-to-nothing to enjoy until G5 eventually comes around, and that's NOT something to be proud of. That's NOT how we should honor G4 and everything it brought us, and how it literally started one of the best decades in animation. You can erase Pony Life entirely from the MLP lore, and nothing would change. I'm telling you, it would all stay exactly the same. That's how pointless Pony Life is. It only exists because Hasbro wanted to make more toys and more money.
What a turd! Despite a few bright spots in some episodes here and there, this is nothing more but a shameless downgrade to what was the best era of My Little Pony. It might not be as bad as Teen Titans Go or G3.5, but it's pretty close. Like i said, i'm officially done with this show. I seriously waited for it to hopefully get good at some point, but with how it's turning out.... probably best to abandon ship and wait for G5 and the next pony movie. Just skip this thing and stick with FiM. I promise, you're not missing anything worth your time here.
People have, ever since the inception of the franchise, debated over whether or not the first few My Little Pony-iterations were actually good. However, it doesn't seem to matter if you were a fan from the beginning or if you found yourself in the 'brony'-end of the spectrum; everyone seemed to agree that My Little Pony Tales (AKA Gen 3.5) was absolute garbage.
Now we have a new 'in-betweener' show, and it seems to go in a similar direction (AKA, it's not very good). After finishing the long-running critical success that was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it only makes sense that Hasbro wants to keep the brand alive while waiting for Gen 5 to come out. However, setting it in the same universe as Gen 4 was probably not the best creative decision on Hasbro's part, because those horseshoes proved too big to fill.
Personally, I became a fan of Gen 4 around the second season, and while I didn't expect to get sucked in, there was a certain something about the production that spoke to me. Granted, I lost interest around season 6, and that was mostly because the show was slowly replacing charming character-driven stories with talks about diplomacy, warfare, bland backstories, and other tired storytelling tropes that only people without imaginations would care about.
However, as much as the later seasons sucked, at least the good parts were really good; the slow pace allowed the characters a lot of room to breathe and grow, the animation was very fluid and expressive, the colors were muted yet felt earthy and vibrant in tone, and the whole framing device of learning about friendship and all its nuances was a genius way to move the plot and characters forward. The first few seasons even poked fun of itself a lot by showing how a horse-centric society would look like, all while telling amusing horse-puns.
Pony Life is a whole different beast altogether. Running at half the running time of a normal Gen 4 episode, this show strips the whole character interaction and growth bit from the equation and turns it into strictly a comedy show. That in itself is not a bad move, and there are enough differences in mood and behavior to distinguish this from the better show. For what it is worth, the show is very bouncy, it is animated alright and it is intermittently chuckle-worthy for a younger audience.
However, in terms of the technical aspects, the show feels very sloppy. The muted earthy color schemes and depth of field have both been replaced with more stark colors and flat shapes. Everything's framed on the same level, making the world feel flat and poorly composited. These would probably be very minor offenses had the show been its own thing, but it is a continuation of a show that did all these things a whole lot better; it is not living up to its superior predecessor.
All in all, it is just kind of meh. It isn't awful, but it isn't very good either. It will probably be fun for your kids, but a bit exhausting for anyone else who watches it for too long.
Now we have a new 'in-betweener' show, and it seems to go in a similar direction (AKA, it's not very good). After finishing the long-running critical success that was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it only makes sense that Hasbro wants to keep the brand alive while waiting for Gen 5 to come out. However, setting it in the same universe as Gen 4 was probably not the best creative decision on Hasbro's part, because those horseshoes proved too big to fill.
Personally, I became a fan of Gen 4 around the second season, and while I didn't expect to get sucked in, there was a certain something about the production that spoke to me. Granted, I lost interest around season 6, and that was mostly because the show was slowly replacing charming character-driven stories with talks about diplomacy, warfare, bland backstories, and other tired storytelling tropes that only people without imaginations would care about.
However, as much as the later seasons sucked, at least the good parts were really good; the slow pace allowed the characters a lot of room to breathe and grow, the animation was very fluid and expressive, the colors were muted yet felt earthy and vibrant in tone, and the whole framing device of learning about friendship and all its nuances was a genius way to move the plot and characters forward. The first few seasons even poked fun of itself a lot by showing how a horse-centric society would look like, all while telling amusing horse-puns.
Pony Life is a whole different beast altogether. Running at half the running time of a normal Gen 4 episode, this show strips the whole character interaction and growth bit from the equation and turns it into strictly a comedy show. That in itself is not a bad move, and there are enough differences in mood and behavior to distinguish this from the better show. For what it is worth, the show is very bouncy, it is animated alright and it is intermittently chuckle-worthy for a younger audience.
However, in terms of the technical aspects, the show feels very sloppy. The muted earthy color schemes and depth of field have both been replaced with more stark colors and flat shapes. Everything's framed on the same level, making the world feel flat and poorly composited. These would probably be very minor offenses had the show been its own thing, but it is a continuation of a show that did all these things a whole lot better; it is not living up to its superior predecessor.
All in all, it is just kind of meh. It isn't awful, but it isn't very good either. It will probably be fun for your kids, but a bit exhausting for anyone else who watches it for too long.
- GoodMachines
- Jun 24, 2020
- Permalink
In regards to what it's about, I hardly think that I need to explain much other than that it's a spin-off of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" with a different animation style and tone, only the comedic side of it is much more wild than its predecessor.
In the past, I gave negative reviews on the trailers for this show, but that was before I actually saw it for myself. Watching Pony Life and making a TV show review of it became something that I found myself wanting to do and unable to avoid doing, so...I decided to do just that. And believe me, I've watched plenty of episodes to be absolutely certain about what I think of the show as a whole.
So, what do I think of Pony Life?
Honestly, this was pretty much one of the worst television programs I've ever watched. Coming from a guy who watched it, there are tons of reasons for why I openly hate it.
For instance, the animation was hardly what I would call adequate. Everything about it looked like it was done by preschoolers instead of professional animators. In contrast to FiM, the settings looked flat, unfinished, and cheaply done for a modern animated television program, like the animators either weren't putting in enough dedication into their work or were too lazy to do their jobs. The character animation wasn't very appealing either. As a matter of fact, the expressions that the characters gave off were awfully over-the-top, and their designs for this series appeared to be the result of animators doing everything mainly for the money instead of not just that.
The overall storytelling and direction for this series wasn't very pleasurable either. Despite giving the stories morals to live by the series hardly had much in the ways of emotion, heart, and meaning; the morals that were incorporated were forgettable, and I'm saying this because I can't at all recall what those morals were to begin with. Likewise, the jokes that the series had were childish, cringy, and irritating, and the execution of them felt uninspired and flat compared to that of Friendship is Magic.
Finally, the voice acting, characters, and character development were extremely lacking.
Despite the majority of FiM's cast reprising their roles (with the exceptions of Cathy Weseluck and John de Lancie, whose characters of Spike and Discord are instead voiced by Tabitha St. Germain and Peter New), their performances were overly exaggerated and annoying. The biggest description that came to my mind when hearing the voices was that the performers made their characters sound like drunks coming home from a party, and not the kind Pinkie would throw either. Having seen at least one episode featuring a new character and cast member, I can't remember off the bat who the person and his character was.
The characters themselves also lacked the heart that made them so special in Friendship is Magic, not just due to the show team changing their personalities too much but because they went awfully overboard with putting the characters's negative aspects at the forefront. A prime example being Rarity fainting a lot more than most would likely tolerate. Every step of the way, I've taken note of the show team's attempts to help the characters develop and grow. In the long run, though, the characters were pretty much hopelessly one-dimensional. And even when they learn something, it would feel like they haven't learned anything at all.
In the end, "My Little Pony: Pony Life" is nothing but an absolute hunk of junk that was obviously made by Allspark to make some quick cash. Even today, I find the very existence of it questionable and can't help but wonder why Allspark made it in the first place, because it's not only an insult to the fanbase generated by "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" but its targeted audience too. In this case, it completely insults and underestimates the intelligence of children and has none of the qualities to be a great program for them.
In the past, I gave negative reviews on the trailers for this show, but that was before I actually saw it for myself. Watching Pony Life and making a TV show review of it became something that I found myself wanting to do and unable to avoid doing, so...I decided to do just that. And believe me, I've watched plenty of episodes to be absolutely certain about what I think of the show as a whole.
So, what do I think of Pony Life?
Honestly, this was pretty much one of the worst television programs I've ever watched. Coming from a guy who watched it, there are tons of reasons for why I openly hate it.
For instance, the animation was hardly what I would call adequate. Everything about it looked like it was done by preschoolers instead of professional animators. In contrast to FiM, the settings looked flat, unfinished, and cheaply done for a modern animated television program, like the animators either weren't putting in enough dedication into their work or were too lazy to do their jobs. The character animation wasn't very appealing either. As a matter of fact, the expressions that the characters gave off were awfully over-the-top, and their designs for this series appeared to be the result of animators doing everything mainly for the money instead of not just that.
The overall storytelling and direction for this series wasn't very pleasurable either. Despite giving the stories morals to live by the series hardly had much in the ways of emotion, heart, and meaning; the morals that were incorporated were forgettable, and I'm saying this because I can't at all recall what those morals were to begin with. Likewise, the jokes that the series had were childish, cringy, and irritating, and the execution of them felt uninspired and flat compared to that of Friendship is Magic.
Finally, the voice acting, characters, and character development were extremely lacking.
Despite the majority of FiM's cast reprising their roles (with the exceptions of Cathy Weseluck and John de Lancie, whose characters of Spike and Discord are instead voiced by Tabitha St. Germain and Peter New), their performances were overly exaggerated and annoying. The biggest description that came to my mind when hearing the voices was that the performers made their characters sound like drunks coming home from a party, and not the kind Pinkie would throw either. Having seen at least one episode featuring a new character and cast member, I can't remember off the bat who the person and his character was.
The characters themselves also lacked the heart that made them so special in Friendship is Magic, not just due to the show team changing their personalities too much but because they went awfully overboard with putting the characters's negative aspects at the forefront. A prime example being Rarity fainting a lot more than most would likely tolerate. Every step of the way, I've taken note of the show team's attempts to help the characters develop and grow. In the long run, though, the characters were pretty much hopelessly one-dimensional. And even when they learn something, it would feel like they haven't learned anything at all.
In the end, "My Little Pony: Pony Life" is nothing but an absolute hunk of junk that was obviously made by Allspark to make some quick cash. Even today, I find the very existence of it questionable and can't help but wonder why Allspark made it in the first place, because it's not only an insult to the fanbase generated by "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" but its targeted audience too. In this case, it completely insults and underestimates the intelligence of children and has none of the qualities to be a great program for them.
Do I need to say more? I have no idea why this exists. The stories, the morals of them and the voice acting in it are much too simplistic and obnoxious. It is like comparing VeggieTales to VeggieTales in the House, but at least that was watchable because it sounded okay and it did not try too hard to be cutesy, and Callie Flower got to come back in The VeggieTales Show. If you care about Friendship is Magic, Pony Life will be a waste of your time. This is exactly why Spike and Discord have different voice actors who also played Rarity and Big Macintosh. Cathy Weseluck and John De Lancie were just too good for Pony Life, and they did not want to waste their time voicing a shallow and down-sized version of the same characters. It's like cutesy chibi mini-stories, but awful. I would unironically rather watch The 2016 Powerpuff Girls. I am sure we all wish Friendship is Magic had a 10th season because then if it passed October 10, 2020, it could be one of the great animated series of the 2010s to be one of the long runners who ran at least 10 years, and the first animated show I know with a female lead character to do so.
The other reviews are really over exaggerating. Pony life isn't that bad a show. It's a decent show for kids. It's a fun and cute and your child will most likely enjoy it.
- mellowpumpkinsoup-63473
- Jun 20, 2020
- Permalink
A decade of Friendship is Magic and a year of this have proven that the golden touch was the original team behind Seasons 1 through 4 of FiM. This series is a joke.
- thomasanderson-02747
- Feb 8, 2021
- Permalink
Believe it or not, I'm a huge fan of mlp friendship is magic. When this show was announced, it was met with a lot of hate and received a lot of negative comparisons to teen titans go and thundercats roar. Especially due to the art style (which, by the way, is not CalArts, since the show is made in Ireland/Canada and not the United States). However the show itself isn't as bad as people say. I quite enjoyed it.
Animation: I wasn't too keen on the new art style at first but it grew on me. It's quite cute and chibi. The animation is fluid. Not as good as Friendship is Magic but still decent.
Writing: one important thing to note is that the stories are now shorter and faster paced. It's not as fast paced as season 1 of Mighty Magiswords though (people really exaggerate how fast pony life is). I like fast paced 11 minute shows, so this show is right up my alley. Princess Probz was good but the moral was a bit unclear. The Best of the Worst is much better, I especially enjoyed Dishwater Slog's character. I also like how some of the writers are from Hanazuki, Transformers, Steven Universe, Craig of the Creek, and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Characters: One of the only things I don't like about the show is that each character is reduced to a single trait, wasting their complex personalities. However this is a comedy show, they're not expected to have ultra deep personalities, just recognizable and relatable ones. I guess that makes sense. The Mane Six are still cute and likable.
Music: The theme song is really catchy but the background music isn't particularly memorable, especially since Daniel Ingram isn't on board with this show. That's another gripe I have but I guess I can let it slide.
Enjoyment: It's different from Friendship is Magic but they shouldn't be compared and Pony Life should be able to stand on its own. As I mentioned above I'm a huge fan of fast paced 11-minute shows, so I enjoyed this particular program and look forward to watching more episodes.
Animation: I wasn't too keen on the new art style at first but it grew on me. It's quite cute and chibi. The animation is fluid. Not as good as Friendship is Magic but still decent.
Writing: one important thing to note is that the stories are now shorter and faster paced. It's not as fast paced as season 1 of Mighty Magiswords though (people really exaggerate how fast pony life is). I like fast paced 11 minute shows, so this show is right up my alley. Princess Probz was good but the moral was a bit unclear. The Best of the Worst is much better, I especially enjoyed Dishwater Slog's character. I also like how some of the writers are from Hanazuki, Transformers, Steven Universe, Craig of the Creek, and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Characters: One of the only things I don't like about the show is that each character is reduced to a single trait, wasting their complex personalities. However this is a comedy show, they're not expected to have ultra deep personalities, just recognizable and relatable ones. I guess that makes sense. The Mane Six are still cute and likable.
Music: The theme song is really catchy but the background music isn't particularly memorable, especially since Daniel Ingram isn't on board with this show. That's another gripe I have but I guess I can let it slide.
Enjoyment: It's different from Friendship is Magic but they shouldn't be compared and Pony Life should be able to stand on its own. As I mentioned above I'm a huge fan of fast paced 11-minute shows, so I enjoyed this particular program and look forward to watching more episodes.
- BoxwoodExpress
- Jun 22, 2020
- Permalink
The animation is made in Cal. Short sweet and many great animations are made with it. Hating the animation alone would be a disgrace towards famous titles like adventure time. The demographic it's targeting is trying to give back to what they originally were going for before FIM. Despite knowing that, it not bad. Also, it's not G5. People keep mistaking it for G5. It's G4.5. Just a filler till G5 comes out. They are experimenting with a new style and thats fine. If anything, it just exists for most people and should be kept that way. We shouldn't shame them for trying something different and going back to their roots. Also, if you think it's like Teen Titans Go, it is not anything similar. Not by a long shot. Only animation, and like I said. You can't take away from it just cause of animation alone. We would be shaming a lot of great cartoons with it if that was the case. Personally, I found it likable and cute. Besides that, some of the stuff I've been reading and seeing isn't quite accurate. Just try it. If it's not your cup of tea for you or your children, then you don't have to watch it. All I ask is for you to try it and give it a shot.
- bronyfourever
- Jul 4, 2020
- Permalink
While I loved MLP: FIM (since the older MLP was one of those shows I used to loved as a lil girl and felt FIM was a good show I could use to bond with my then toddler son circa 2014), this spin off is so stupid. It reminds me to freaking TTG. FIM was one of the best episodic western cartoons I've seen in a very long time. However, this spin off is just horrible. Those aren't my brave mare six, just some mockery of them.
- dattebayo-yuki
- May 29, 2021
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My first impression was that this had cheap animation but I decided to give it a try and could not even get through one of the 10 minute episodes without getting bored. I am obviously not a kid so I am the wrong target audience but I loved Friendship is Magic because it had depth and appealed to adults and kids. This does not.
- dashie1112
- Jan 30, 2021
- Permalink
Am a fan of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'. Sure all of the nine seasons had at least one misfire, but when the show was at its best it was fantastic and made for one of the best animated shows in recent years. Was actually not expecting to love it so much but it is a fine example of not judging a book by its cover or something with prejudice (with it being a show that breaks the stereotypes of the show being a toy commercial excuse or just for girls in primary school).
Was really hoping that 'My Little Pony: Pony Life' would be good, even if it was not quite that show's level. It didn't look great at all and neither was the marketing particularly, but after 'Friendship is Magic' bettered all expectations there was the feeling "what if the show turned out to be better than it looks and sounds". It saddens me to say that 'My Little Pony: Pony Life' was a huge disappointment and as bad as others have cited it as. Have gone against the grain quite a number of times with my opinions, but not this time sadly. This is also coming from somebody who has never had a problem with the 'My Little Pony' franchise, while being mindful that its appeal is not as wide ranging as 'Friendship is Magic' turned out.
'My Little Pony: Pony Life's' only redeeming quality is the voice acting, though all did better elsewhere. Everybody nobly made the most of what they're given, with well beneath them material, and give energy and nuance to character writing that is anything but.
However, so much is wrong. In fact, everything else fails and at worst disastrously so. The animation has a very rushed and careless look, no vibrancy or imagination here and it just felt indicative of rushed production and not particularly high budget. The music is never dynamic with the action and is quite cheesy at times. The theme tune also grates.
The storylines have no soul or charm, and almost all of them are very thin, predictable and overly-simple. The writing is very childish and goes too far on the cutesiness, complete with an over-reliance on limp, never imaginative and non-sophisticated slapstick. The moralising can be tacked on and heavy-handed and are not near as relatable as those in 'Friendship is Magic'. After that show did such a wonderful job at providing plenty for people of all ages and genders and breaking away from the ignorant target audience stereotype people have for anything 'My Little Pony' related, 'Pony Life' dumbs down and reinforces it.
Which is going to make it hard for older viewers to enjoy likely and even younger viewers may find it too juvenile. The character writing is far from complex, none of the characters are interesting or easy to relate to (even at times not having much personality). Instead they are all shallow cliches and have excessively overblown character flaws, am aware that a number of episodes of 'Friendship is Magic' were guilty of this but not to this extreme an effect. The chemistry is very disconnected and they don't come over like friends.
Concluding, very poor. 2/10.
Was really hoping that 'My Little Pony: Pony Life' would be good, even if it was not quite that show's level. It didn't look great at all and neither was the marketing particularly, but after 'Friendship is Magic' bettered all expectations there was the feeling "what if the show turned out to be better than it looks and sounds". It saddens me to say that 'My Little Pony: Pony Life' was a huge disappointment and as bad as others have cited it as. Have gone against the grain quite a number of times with my opinions, but not this time sadly. This is also coming from somebody who has never had a problem with the 'My Little Pony' franchise, while being mindful that its appeal is not as wide ranging as 'Friendship is Magic' turned out.
'My Little Pony: Pony Life's' only redeeming quality is the voice acting, though all did better elsewhere. Everybody nobly made the most of what they're given, with well beneath them material, and give energy and nuance to character writing that is anything but.
However, so much is wrong. In fact, everything else fails and at worst disastrously so. The animation has a very rushed and careless look, no vibrancy or imagination here and it just felt indicative of rushed production and not particularly high budget. The music is never dynamic with the action and is quite cheesy at times. The theme tune also grates.
The storylines have no soul or charm, and almost all of them are very thin, predictable and overly-simple. The writing is very childish and goes too far on the cutesiness, complete with an over-reliance on limp, never imaginative and non-sophisticated slapstick. The moralising can be tacked on and heavy-handed and are not near as relatable as those in 'Friendship is Magic'. After that show did such a wonderful job at providing plenty for people of all ages and genders and breaking away from the ignorant target audience stereotype people have for anything 'My Little Pony' related, 'Pony Life' dumbs down and reinforces it.
Which is going to make it hard for older viewers to enjoy likely and even younger viewers may find it too juvenile. The character writing is far from complex, none of the characters are interesting or easy to relate to (even at times not having much personality). Instead they are all shallow cliches and have excessively overblown character flaws, am aware that a number of episodes of 'Friendship is Magic' were guilty of this but not to this extreme an effect. The chemistry is very disconnected and they don't come over like friends.
Concluding, very poor. 2/10.
- TheLittleSongbird
- Apr 3, 2022
- Permalink
Hasbro what are you doing , Why are you trying to destroy everything that we grew up with . The people at Hasbro have lost touch with that magic spark that the cartoons of the early 80s and early 90s had . Hasbro if you keep pushing this junk of cartoons and cheaply made toys down your customers throat then the Hasbro company will no longer be around. Pull yours heads out of back ends and get it together. Example this new my little Pony series is horrible. What ever made you come up with this. You should have done a spin off of friendship is magic. Just a thought. One final point STOP SCREWING UP OUR CLASSIC CARTOONS AND TOYS.
- mkmyers-93402
- Nov 14, 2020
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- redlineamerican
- Apr 26, 2021
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Which at least i remembered watching that show.
this gen (not sure if it's supposed to be gen 4.5 or 5) however, isn't really that interesting to me. things are fast paced, art style of the animation looks like an inspiration of gacha life, and the reboot itself flopped.
this gen (not sure if it's supposed to be gen 4.5 or 5) however, isn't really that interesting to me. things are fast paced, art style of the animation looks like an inspiration of gacha life, and the reboot itself flopped.
- mtgcb-54797
- Aug 26, 2020
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- alanjia-47689
- Jun 21, 2020
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First, let's clarify something here, this show isn't about ponies anymore; they were thrown out of the window in the first few minutes. The characters look and behave more like cats... weird pig-nosed cats, but I digress.
Pony Life is a vacuous and fairly pointless show but then I suppose it is distracting enough and it is worth a look if you want to be overwhelmed with nonsense for half an hour and have no demands for anything that could be considered "good" in the traditional sense of the term.
And to be honest, it's not the most awful show ever made but it's still an incoherent hyperactive mess slapped together without any coherent message, purpose, character development, story or context whatsoever... with the added "benefit" of having potentially harmful affects on its younger viewers.
For example, there wasn't even an explanation as where those potions come from and why the "ponies" are so eagerly chugging them for no apparent reason. It seems that when they get bored, they drink potions that in turn, do something random. The problem is, so far the effects are always completely irrelevant to the plot.
Speaking of chugging potions when bored. These "ponies" don't' seem to know or even care about what they are drinking. It's hard to not see some sort of uncomfortable parallel between this and alcohol/drug abuse and parents trying to teach young children to *not* drink unknown chemicals that can be found under a kitchen sink.
In summary, Pony Life is at best, mediocre. There are much better shows out there that are actually worth watching and where the writers and animators actually put efforts into them.
Pony Life is a vacuous and fairly pointless show but then I suppose it is distracting enough and it is worth a look if you want to be overwhelmed with nonsense for half an hour and have no demands for anything that could be considered "good" in the traditional sense of the term.
And to be honest, it's not the most awful show ever made but it's still an incoherent hyperactive mess slapped together without any coherent message, purpose, character development, story or context whatsoever... with the added "benefit" of having potentially harmful affects on its younger viewers.
For example, there wasn't even an explanation as where those potions come from and why the "ponies" are so eagerly chugging them for no apparent reason. It seems that when they get bored, they drink potions that in turn, do something random. The problem is, so far the effects are always completely irrelevant to the plot.
Speaking of chugging potions when bored. These "ponies" don't' seem to know or even care about what they are drinking. It's hard to not see some sort of uncomfortable parallel between this and alcohol/drug abuse and parents trying to teach young children to *not* drink unknown chemicals that can be found under a kitchen sink.
In summary, Pony Life is at best, mediocre. There are much better shows out there that are actually worth watching and where the writers and animators actually put efforts into them.
- Aurora_greystone
- Jun 20, 2020
- Permalink
Friendship is magic was awesome!!! me and my sisters loved it and even my little brother would watch sometimes! we loved the action episodes and even the more "casual" episodes were cute and fun. this was weird. and it went so fast you couldn't understand a word any of them were saying. too bad they decided to go this way with the show because i thought FIM was really great.
- samueljameshydethethird
- Jun 21, 2020
- Permalink
Terrible! Only giving it 2 stars instead of 1 because it's not THE worst, but it's pretty close.
- ponystateofmind
- May 2, 2021
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